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Items tagged with: Fortran

One of the reasons I keep dropping hints about #perlffi , #pdl and #openmp is that one can literally have five multithreading frameworks in the same #perl application of a master process: 1) PDL, and FFI intefacing with 2) #Fortran coarrays, 3) Fortran openmp, 4) #c openmp and 5) #cplusplus #openmp. All these frameworks can share memory addresses for array and vector objects, and #perl aided by #PerlAlien makes the authoring of the high-level code a pleasure !

submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
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Fun project: a #memory manager for multi-lang applications (#c, #cplusplus #assembly #fortran) in which workflow management is done by #Perl. Currently allocates using either #perl strings or #glibc malloc/calloc. Other allocators #jemalloc coming soon.

I want a really good hate speech piece though, not a moderate one. The challenge is to do those well, a task complicated because of the inferiority complex of your average computer language troll against #fortran (too mathsy) and the bona fide superiority of the portable assembly language we known as #clang for many tasks. To clarify #cplusplus bashing does not qualify as #clang trashtalking.

I think I am 50% done finding a quadrafecta : a simultaneous hit piece against #Perl #clang #fortran & #rstats.

This one only manages to trash talk #perl and #rstats, so it has some ways to go.

PS 1Gotta admit that the point about the object systems in R is somewhat spot on
PS 2 #php gets a dishonorable mention
PS3 I will continue to find ways to continue using all 4 of the aforementioned languages, as they are all performant and deliver in complementary ways.

@Qbitzerre @mjgardner in an unrelated note, I wonder if one can use #perl to put some metaprogramming magic into C sources because the C preprocessor, is quite limited as far as generation tools are concerned,-tips,-and-idioms

even with custom #pragma
or non #perl implementations

#Assembly & #fortran would also be candidates for something like this ib #HPC and #datascience applications.

#Fortran feels no hurry: it was in the TIOBE Index Top 20 for 9 months in 2021 (the year it went back), 5 months in 2022, and already 7 months in 2023. A total of 21 months on the last 33 months (start from January 2021):

The #Fortran-lang community is giving a new impulse:

And the Fortran 2023 standard should be published around October/November.

Well, Fortran is playing chess with Death for several decades now.

@ChristosArgyrop Bad news, according to this “Make Use Of” #clickbait both #Rlang and #Perl are “heading for extinction” along with #VisualBasic (and #VBA), #Haskell, #Fortran, #COBOL, #ActionScript (the language in discontinued #AdobeFlash), and #Pascal:

The text hedges the headline’s assertion for every entry above. And of course, it cites #TIOBE.

It’s also syndicated on #MSN, which has had, um, quality control problems lately:

Popularity of #programming languages from August (#perl is 28 at 0.68%).
Has its limitations, but a couple of points worth noting :
1. #COBOL and #FORTRAN are holding rather well
2. languages that are involved in some sort of data analysis and processing (#sql, #clang /c++) are doing very well. Not sure what to make of #Python; are ppl in #AI seeing through the reality is a scripting over extremely performant c/c++ and that there are other lang that can glue as well?
#golang & #Julia are ⬆️

@Perl A couple of us were discussing #Perl and #FFI for #MachineLearning applications at tonight’s #Houston Perl Mongers meeting, and I mentioned the #Platypus project (a/k/a FFI:😛latypus).

Lead #developer @plicease has spoken about it at various #conferences, so I thought I’d collect those in a playlist:

More info: or follow @PerlFFI

#libffi #PerlXS #C #Cpp #Go #GoLang #Rust #RustLang #Pascal #Fortran

Crowther’s original #ColossalCave Adventure was about 700 lines of #DEC #PDP10 #FORTRAN IV and 700 lines of data. The remake is a 6.3 GB #Steam download. ❗

@Perl @plicease's #WebAssembly in #Perl distribution (using #Wasmtime) now has competition in the form of Felipe Gasper's #Wasmer-based

With @PerlFFI's ability to build Perl extensions in C, C++, #Rust, #GoLang, #Pascal (!), #Fortran (!!), and even #assembly (!!!), you can plug just about any high-performance code into Perl.

#programming #coding #SoftwareDevelopment