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@ChristosArgyrop Bad news, according to this “Make Use Of” #clickbait both #Rlang and #Perl are “heading for extinction” along with #VisualBasic (and #VBA), #Haskell, #Fortran, #COBOL, #ActionScript (the language in discontinued #AdobeFlash), and #Pascal:

The text hedges the headline’s assertion for every entry above. And of course, it cites #TIOBE.

It’s also syndicated on #MSN, which has had, um, quality control problems lately:

in reply to Mark Gardner

There is a conscious attempt to get rid of #Rlang and the script is highly reminiscent of #perl. The push for #Python is kind of nuts given that the language is kinda slow and it shines only because of certain libraries written in #clang.

Going back to #perl, I will reiterate the same points I 've made in other fora: it needs a strong type system as an ad-on, a tabular data type that is more space efficient than an array of arrays to adapt to our #bigdata era.

in reply to Tim Locke

The #AppleNews link opens a sanitized version of the article in the News app for those that have it. The source page on their site is littered with trackers from a dozen other parties, and if you try to browse with an #AdBlocker it covers the content unless your blocker has rules to counteract it.

But you do you. Fruit company bad.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Mark Gardner

I have at least half a dozen plugins blocking a variety of things in my browser from websites. You can believe Apple is trustworthy if you want despite decades of actions to the contrary.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tim Locke

So… you’d rather spread links to those who aren’t “behind seven proxies” ( to pages with trackers from such paragons of #privacy as #Google, #Amazon, etc.?

I’ll take my chances with the fruit:

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Unknown parent

Mark Gardner
No idea about B::C's status. When I was at #cPanel it figured pretty heavily into their product and they employed maintainer @rurban for a time. (tagging Reini if he wants to chime in)
in reply to Mark Gardner

@rurban there are 2 commercial products for compiling perl. One was from active state
in reply to Mark Gardner

bah, a totally arbitrary article, without data supporting It. There are tons of languages out there and they are still around since ages, even with minor percentuals of developers involved. Most of them will not disappear any time soon, and hype changes every few years.
in reply to Mark Gardner

#Fortran feels no hurry: it was in the TIOBE Index Top 20 for 9 months in 2021 (the year it went back), 5 months in 2022, and already 7 months in 2023. A total of 21 months on the last 33 months (start from January 2021):

The #Fortran-lang community is giving a new impulse:

And the Fortran 2023 standard should be published around October/November.

Well, Fortran is playing chess with Death for several decades now.

in reply to Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD

they are not compilers. They just package all deps into one self extracting executable archive
in reply to Reini Urban

@rurban PAR:😛acker’s `pp` command does the same thing, creating self-extracting standalone executables from #Perl scripts and their dependencies:

Years ago, I used it to build Windows executables of a script that used DBD:😮racle to check that the database server was installed and configured correctly. (`pp` can include required shared libraries, I.e., Windows DLL’s, Unix/Linux .so’s, or macOS .dylib’s)

in reply to Mark Gardner

what is the issue with creating a true compiler for perl or even python? (Cperl and cython seem to compile a subset of the language)
Isn't B::C sorta a way to compile perl through gcc?
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Mark Gardner

@rurban Aha ok, so one uses it as an entry point to gcc. So the "compiler" to an executable is like B::C + gcc, but B::C is formally a compiler of perl to C.
I run into the old convos at perlmonks
What most (at least me!) ppl expect out of this is the ability to use strong C types especially for containers, and avoid the double indirection of SV and possibly some of the issues mentioned here
in reply to Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD

@rurban If you want a restricted-functionality #Perl-like language with strong C++-backed typing, you can look at #RPerl by the always self-aggrandizing Will Braswell:

As "dave_the_m" wrote on PerlMonks, it's “Perl but with every feature which makes Perl either useful or ‘Perlish’ removed”: