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Punk Rock Languages via @lvguowei1002

Archived version of the original ode to #clang by Chris Adamson

in reply to Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD

It probably didn’t escape your notice that #Perl aptly ticks (almost) all the same listed features of a #PunkRock #programming language.

I’ll grant that the language is “owned” by the Core Team (, but there have been forks and variations thanks to, which basically says “if you make big changes, don’t call the executable `perl`.”

in reply to Mark Gardner

it ticked all the same features(except the segmentation faults), without the Rust drama (which is directed to C++/Go) or Julia arrogance (directed towards R/C++/Python)
in reply to Mark Gardner

@mjgardner wait, what? Will Perl make me wanna be sedated or something?
in reply to Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD

@Qbitzerre @mjgardner in an unrelated note, I wonder if one can use #perl to put some metaprogramming magic into C sources because the C preprocessor, is quite limited as far as generation tools are concerned,-tips,-and-idioms

even with custom #pragma
or non #perl implementations

#Assembly & #fortran would also be candidates for something like this ib #HPC and #datascience applications.

in reply to Mark Gardner

this is precisely the type of enhancement that one could do by extending the C preprocessor. In this particular case, I wonder if one could just do it via a custom #pragma directive.
There is a tutorial on how to implement those for the #clang / #llvm #compiler :

Or, just use a regex powered #perl script to remove those extra commas by invoking the perl script to generate a C source without those commas prior to compiling. @Perl

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to 2¢

@Qbitzerre @mjgardner I am trying to think which #PunkRock songs could sedate, and I am having a hard time 🤣🤣