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Popularity of #programming languages from August (#perl is 28 at 0.68%).
Has its limitations, but a couple of points worth noting :
1. #COBOL and #FORTRAN are holding rather well
2. languages that are involved in some sort of data analysis and processing (#sql, #clang /c++) are doing very well. Not sure what to make of #Python; are ppl in #AI seeing through the reality is a scripting over extremely performant c/c++ and that there are other lang that can glue as well?
#golang & #Julia are ⬆️
in reply to Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD

The universe of #SoftwareDevelopment is vast and multidimensional and #TIOBE’s ranking is literally a one-dimensional list. Anyone who pays attention to the latter is just as blinkered.
in reply to Mark Gardner

@mjgardner Let me know if you join, then I can search you porn and xvideos for COBOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣