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auditd log parser with minimal dependencies, using no perl features past 5.12

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-07-11

  • Allow filtering by command status and name, optionally optimize via ausearch

Serves a HTML slide show synchronized over WebSocket

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-07-11

  • Fix bug in hiding steps which use a step range

auditd log parser with minimal dependencies, using no perl features past 5.12

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-07-11

  • Correct Repository URLs in dist meta

A Clojure Platform for Perl

Changes for 0.1.18

  • Work around a bug in version checking during cpanm install

Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-07-11

  • Relicense to MIT
  • Fix issues in Kvv2 backend thanks @dennisjbell via GH#16

A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client

Changes for 0.088 - 2023-07-11T08:52:54-04:00

  • DOCS

Program in YAML

Changes for 0.1.11

  • Make an alias for YAMLScript::foo
  • Add blank line in example program
  • Support for YAML nodes using ! tag

Compiler for Text::Amuse

Changes for 1.88 - 2023-07-11

  • Improve bidi support (use the better switches for babel)

A Clojure Platform for Perl

Changes for 0.1.17

  • Add merge (and conj for hashmap) to core
  • Add unboxing to HashMap and Vector
  • Support LINGY_CLOJURE_JAR for using repl with clojure
  • Support boxing hashes and arrays
  • Set *file* to an absolute file path
  • A few small fixes

Expansion of test functionalities that appear to be frequently used while testing.

Changes for 2.0.2 - 2023-07-11T09:47:03Z

  • Increase required version of Path::Tiny to 0.125 to make possible the usage of mkdir.

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989022 - 2023-07-11

  • Document Fix
  • Incompatibe Changes

Helpers for Text::Amuse document formatting.

Changes for 0.67 - 2022-07-11

  • RTL languages: do not produce <right> tag when importing HTML

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989021 - 2023-07-11

  • New Features
  • Document Changes
  • Incompatibe Changes

Pure perl API for Proxmox virtualisation

Changes for 0.37 - 2023-07-20

  • Fix up debug() method thanks to MartijnLivaart via GH#25
  • Change to JSON::MaybeXS
  • Some pod fixes

Utilities related to Firefox Multi-Account Containers add-on

Changes for 0.017 - 2023-06-06

  • [cli open-firefox-container] Allow passing options to firefox via -b and -a.

Smartmatch done right

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-07-10T20:50:30+02:00

  • Eliminate boolean match
  • Make array match do any instead

match::simple but as a real infix operator

Changes for 0.000002 - 2023-07-10

  • If the right-hand side of the `matches` operator is a non-reference, short-circuit match::simple and directly check definedness and string equality.
  • If the right-hand side of the `matches` operator is a Type::Tiny object, short-circuit match::simple and directly use the Type::Tiny API.
  • Both these changes are merely optimizations and shouldn't affect the result of the operator.

Runs a sh or bash script and returns the variables that have been set as well as their values.

Changes for 0.3.2 - 2023-07-10

  • Fix flattening for shell output.
  • Rework being quiet for Perl on some Linux systems when it comes to Rex.

A foreign function interface to GDAL

Changes for 0.10

  • Add dependency to FFI:😛latypus:😁eclare
  • Update from GDAL 3.4 and add MakeValid method to Geometry
  • Add Normalize method to Geometry
  • Update to gdal 3.7
  • Make Band inherit from Object

More helpers for DBIx::Class

Changes for 1.0001 - 2023-07-10T10:37:45-04:00


Expansion of test functionalities that appear to be frequently used while testing.

Changes for 2.0.1 - 2023-06-21T19:42:51Z

  • If any of the variables $CLASS, $METHOD, $METHOD_REF, $TEMP_DIR, and $TEMP_FILE is undefined, it is not exported.
  • Modules Test::Cmd, Test::Files, Test:😮utput, and Test::Warn are no longer loaded and their functions are not exported by Test::Expander.
  • Unexpedted exceptions detected by "lives_ok" are logged to the screen using "diag".
  • Options "-lib" and "-method" introduced.
  • Option "-target" supports "undef" as value if no testee module should be loaded automatically.
  • Names of functions and variables made more perlish.

Expansion of test functionalities that appear to be frequently used while testing.

Changes for 2.0.0 - 2023-06-21T19:42:51Z

  • If any of the variables $CLASS, $METHOD, $METHOD_REF, $TEMP_DIR, and $TEMP_FILE is undefined, it is not exported.
  • Modules Test::Cmd, Test::Files, Test:😮utput, and Test::Warn are no longer loaded and their functions are not exported by Test::Expander.
  • Unexpedted exceptions detected by "lives_ok" are logged to the screen using "diag".
  • Options "-lib" and "-method" introduced.
  • Option "-target" supports "undef" as value if no testee module should be loaded automatically.
  • Names of functions and variables made more perlish.

interpolate Data:😁umper output into strings for human consumption

Changes for 5.029

  • non-blessed container contents with type<abbrevatedaddress> ala addrvis().

OO Library for Perl 5

Changes for 3.10 - 2023-07-10

  • [feature] Implement Venus#render, Venus::String#template
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Run "from" ability
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Run "asks" ability
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Run "flow" ability
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Run "with" ability
  • [feature] Implement Venus#{list,pairs}
  • [feature] Support environment variable based paths in "vns" config
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Run "func" ability
  • [feature] Implement Venus#syscall
  • [feature] Implement Venus#{is_true,is_false}
  • [update] Enhance "vns" and Venus::Run documentation
  • [update] Update documentation in Venus

LinkedIn OAuth Plugin for Mojolicious:😛lugin::Web::Auth

Changes for 0.05 - 2023-07-09T22:24:58-04:00

Helper when writing functions

Changes for 0.471 - 2023-07-02

  • [ux] gen_curried_sub(), gen_modified_sub(): Make output_name argument optional and default it to the original name.

Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities

Changes for 20230709.001 - 2023-07-09T23:24:24Z

  • Renée Bäcker added 'queried_module' to the JSON output so yoou can tie what you asked about to the distribution the report gave you. GitHub #50.

Convert between braille display tables defined in Liblouis.

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-07-03

  • Add object oriented acess

functions for parsing /switches and similarly constructed strings

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-07-09T16:13:56-04:00

  • first release

It's Perl support for AWS Lambda Custom Runtime.

Changes for 0.0.40 - 2023-07-09T17:55:20Z

  • Perl 5.38.0 is released
  • Perl 5.36.1 is released

Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent

Changes for 6.11 - 2023-07-09T15:10:30Z

  • Remove Authority section from dist.ini (GH#64) (Olaf Alders)
  • Add very basic diagnostic information via test (GH#73) (Olaf Alders)
  • CVE-2014-3230 - don't disable verification if only hostnames should not (GH#14) (Steffen Ullrich)
  • Make explicit requirement of Mozilla::CA obsolete (GH#72) (Steffen Ullrich and Olaf Alders)
  • Remove _in_san and _cn_match. Empty out the _check_sock hook (GH#71) (Chase Whitener)
  • Use warnings (GH#69) (Pete Houston)

Identify given/family names and capitalize correctly

Changes for 1.003 - 2023-07-09

  • doc - Fixes and improvements
  • Fix normalize buglet - add underlying data as well
  • Suppress Lingua::JA::Name::Splitter warnings for short names
  • Fix case exception bug - built-in exceptions not initialized if namecase_exception called before namecase
  • Add a few more tests for (unreported) branch coverage

Mo utilities.

Changes for 0.17 - 2023-07-09T12:51:58+02:00

  • Add check_regexp() function.

drive XS:😛arse::Keyword directly from Perl

Changes for 0.06 - 2023-07-09


A module to interconvert common data models for phenotypic data

Changes for 0.11 - 2023-07-09T00:00:00Z

  • Uncommented 'IO::Socket::SSL' in Makefile.PL to pass self-validation of mapping schema in t/

PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings

Changes for 0.19 - 2023-07-09

  • Use a temporary dir in the tests.

Use Perl5 lexer as a library.

Changes for 0.36 - 2023-07-09T01:40:30Z

  • Support 5.36/5.38

Self Contained SQLite RDBMS in a DBI Driver

Changes for 1.73_01 - 2023-07-09

  • Upgraded SQLite to 3.42.0
  • Add missing possible table_type values to POD (GH#105, dboehmer++)