One of the reasons I keep dropping hints about #perlffi , #pdl and #openmp is that one can literally have five multithreading frameworks in the same #perl application of a master process: 1) PDL, and FFI intefacing with 2) #Fortran coarrays, 3) Fortran openmp, 4) #c openmp and 5) #cplusplus #openmp. All these frameworks can share memory addresses for array and vector objects, and #perl aided by #PerlAlien makes the authoring of the high-level code a pleasure !
submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
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Optimizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with OpenMP Offload and Codee
Currently, the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) utilizes shared memory (OpenMP) and distributed memory (MPI) parallelisms. To take advantage of GPU resources on the Perlmutter supercomp…
A couple of data/compute intensive examples using Perl Data Language (#PDL), #OpenMP, #Perl, Inline and #Python (base, #numpy, #numba). Kind of interesting to see Python eat Perl's dust and PDL being equal to numpy.
OpenMP and Perl's multithreaded #PDL array language were the clear winners here.
submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
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The Quest for Performance Part I : Inline C, OpenMP and PDL
Sometimes, one’s code must simply perform and principles, such as aeasthetics, “cleverness” or commitment to a single language solution simply go out of the window.Killing-It-with-PERL