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Install the parasail aligner shared libraries for use with (Bio)Perl.

Changes for 1.232370 - 2023-08-24T22:07:47-06:00

CLI utilities related to symbolic links (symlinks)

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-06-30

  • First release.

Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.93

  • POD updates
  • no functional changes

Fetch actual raw streamable URLs from various radio-station, video & podcast websites.

Changes for 2.16 - 2023-08-24

  • Added StreamFinder::Zeno for radio stations & podcasts.
  • StreamFinder::Brighteon - Add "formats_by_channel" option keyed by albumartist. This needed b/c some video formats (ie. .m3u8) don't seem to work on some sites but are the only ones that work on others.
  • StreamFinder:😛odchaser - Add "-notrim" option to trim trailing garbage off stream URLs.
  • StreamFinder:😛odchaser - Fix sometimes fetching wrong stream on episode pages, and fix podcast pages not returning any episodes due to recent changes in their site (more stupid javascripting).
  • StreamFinder:😛odcastAddict - Mark DEPRECIATED since they recently javascripted & crapped up their podcast pages making it now impossible to fetch a playlist or first episode from them (correct episode pages still seem to work for now, if you get them from your browser first).

Provides PlantUML Language's Encoding in Perl

Changes for 0.03

Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.92

  • fixing version number for proper CPAN indexing
  • no functional changes

Github v3 API

Changes for 0.01041 - 2023-08-24T18:12:33Z

  • Boolean documentation updates (GH#233) (Timothy Legge)

Build and install libgs1encoders, a C-based GS1 barcode parser

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-08-24T16:27:05Z

  • No changes since last trial

A simple module to parse FASTA and FASTQ files, supporting compressed files and paired-ends.

Changes for 1.11.0 - 2023-08-22

  • added `translate()` method to FASTX::Seq

a terminal document viewer for POD and other syntaxes

Changes for 0.10 - 2023-08-24


Fast perceptual image hashing (DCT-based pHash)

Changes for 0.3 - 2023-08-24

  • Support for loading image objects.
  • Prefer Imager over ImageMagick.

one company's example of a standardised logging setup

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-08-24T09:54:52+00:00

  • key setting

Application to test DWG file by LibreDWG JSON conversions.

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-08-24T10:57:28+02:00

  • Report number of errors from commands.

configure, create and run LXC application containers

Changes for 0.19 - 2023-08-24T08:46:10Z

  • t/08-data.t: test to fix different content in package tests
  • t/06-update.t: another test to fix different content in package tests
  • fixed bug for directory option containing whitespace

Top level namespace for the Business::GoCardless set of modules

Changes for 0.39 - 2023-09-01

  • Add funds_settlement (and is managed/is_direct) to Mandate object

Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.91

  • fixing version number for proper CPAN indexing
  • no functional changes

Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.11

  • tweaked POD

Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.10

  • tweaked POD

simple creation of pcap files from code

Changes for 0.725 - 2023-08-24

  • add keepalive_probe to TCP

Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.9

  • added POD

Ethereum keystorage utilities

Changes for 0.005

  • Fix installation: incorrect CryptX version

DBI PostgreSQL interface

Changes for 3.17.0

  • New database handle attribute pg_skip_deallocate Prevents any deallocation of automatically prepared statements to support new pgBouncer feature
  • Fix to handle escaped quotes in connection string
  • Return number of affected rows from a MERGE command
  • Add support for Github CI actions
  • Remove undocumented internal-only pg_pid_number attribute
  • Small warning in docs about PG_CHAR

Dist::Zilla like PERLANCAR when you build your dists

Changes for 0.608 - 2023-07-07

  • Exclude another plugin for Task bundle: Prereqs::CheckCircular.

interact with an AVR microcontroller over UPDI

Changes for 0.13 - 2023-08-24


fix and enhance ODF::lpOD

Changes for 6.000

  • "Character mode" is now the default and the old ':chars' import tag is deprectated. Now you only need to use ODF::lpOD; use ODF::lpOD_Helper; A new import tag ':bytes' preserves the old ODF::lpOD behavior where method args and results must be encoded binary.
  • Introduced methods Hget_text, Hoffset_into_vtext, Hinsert_element, Hsplit_element_at, Hdescendants, Hnext_elt, Hnormalize
  • A new concept is a "prune condition" when searching or collecting virtual text, to treat specified tags as opaque (i.e. their children are not visited). This can be used to skip over nested paragraphs such as may exist inside Frames or Tables.
  • Results from multi-segment substitutions are now comprehensively "normalized", eliminating consecutive or zero-length text:s segments and ensuring that consecutive spaces are not stored in #PCDATA nodes.
  • New style spans are "hoisted" to the top level in a paragraph to avoid creating nested spans (existing spans are cloned and partitioned if necessary around hoisted new spans). NOTE: Please let me know if you *do* want nested spans -- it should be easy to make hoisting an option.

interpolate Data:😁umper output into strings for human consumption

Changes for 6.004

  • set_addrvis_digits -> addrvis_digits, which now gets with undef arg

A client implementation of the ICAP (RFC 3507) protocol

Changes for 0.08

  • Transfer URI::icap and URI::icaps to URI module

Input validator centered around Type::Tiny

Changes for 2.21

  • fix adding errors from subform's array fields to the main form
  • minor code refactorization
  • minor performance improvements for nested form fields
  • add metamodel documentation

provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch

Changes for 0.8

  • released initial version of Dispatch::Fu on to the unsuspecting echo chambers of the Perl-verse

Build and install libgs1encoders, a C-based GS1 barcode parser

Changes for 0.02 - 2023-08-23T21:40:30Z

  • fix: Install built lib to `DESTDIR`

A PSGI framework for building REST api's in Perl.

Changes for 0.007

  • Alpha release #7
  • Fix bug with Slick:😁atabase
  • Various POD fixes

Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)

Changes for 5.21 - 2023-08-23T16:02:14Z

  • Fix version declarations in and (GH#131) (Olaf Alders)

A curated set of RDF prefixes

Changes for 1.006 - 2023-08-23

  • Added: Add JSON-LD namespace. Zakariyya Mughal++
  • Updated: Add Github devops. Zakariyya Mughal++

Parse a domain down to root

Changes for 0.20 - 2023-08-23T13:55:00Z

  • Refresh PublicSuffix list

Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)

Changes for 5.20 - 2023-08-23T14:13:23Z

  • Remove Shebang and Taint from all tests.
  • Fix t/query.t to get rid of a warning about join() on array with undef
  • Add icap and icaps URIs (GH#130) (david-dick)

Operations on the DOM loaded in Chrome

Changes for 0.04

  • Fixed the error message when checking for correct parameters, replaced 'description' with 'name'. Added feature: user can specify javascript code to create the information hash to be returned for each matched element. Before the return was a hash of "tag" and "id". Now the user can optionally specify the javascript code to create this information hash. The fallback behaves as in previous version, there should be no breaks. POD extended. Two more module dependencies added (required for testing). All user-specified javascript code can throw exception which we will catch and propagate to perl code. This has now its own test case.

Easy to use REPL with existing lexical support and DWIM tab completion.

Changes for 0.12

  • 2023-08-23 Changed the way this package is now called "use Runtime:😁ebugger" is enough.