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Interface to open3 under AnyEvent

Changes for 0.89 - 2023-08-27T10:47:27Z

  • Fix bug that caused test failure in recent bleadperl (gh#20, gh#21)

Validation Library and more

Changes for 0.002002

  • Fixes to how Formhandler computes a default action for the form based on the passed model and information provided by the view or controller.
  • Updated example application to match.

Parser for CPAN style change logs

Changes for 0.500_001 - 2023-08-27

  • Full rewrite. The new version can parse nested entries to an arbitrary depth, rather than just groups. It can parse many more formats, and can format the outputs more flexibly. This means it can better handle the change logs that actually exist on CPAN.
  • parsed releases keep their original order
  • Pass given ChangeLog filename for --check (Tux)

BSD utilities written in pure Perl

Changes for 1.038 - 2023-08-27T11:36:25Z

  • All updates are from Michael Mikonos
  • rev - accept ? as a file (#222)
  • cat - exit 1 for bad argments (#223)
  • ed - fix range-specific write (#221) and better handling of maxline (#224)
#221 #222 #223 #224

configure, create and run LXC application containers

Changes for 0.22 - 2023-08-27T11:16:31Z

  • t/06-update.t: another fix for different distributions (found in Debian 7)
  • fixed possible problem for permissions of directories
  • removed old FIXME

Disable inactive logging statements from the command line

Changes for v0.2.1

  • improvements

Converts any complicated conditional dispatch situation into familiar static hash-key based dispatch

Changes for 0.96

  • POD updates
  • no functional changes

Assign values to constants from the command arguments

Changes for v0.2.1 - 2023-08-27

  • improvements

Map body and data parameters to a model

Changes for 0.006

  • Some example roles that are probably dangerous. If you cut yourself don't say I didn't warn you.

Benchmark HTTP::Tiny:😛atch::Retry

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-01-19

  • Rename module/dist Bencher-Scenarios-{HTTPTinyPatchRetry,HTTP-Tiny-Patch-Retry}.

Slice and dice spreadsheets, optionally using tied variables.

Changes for 1000.003

Redis support for IO::Async

Changes for 4.000 - 2023-08-27T01:12:09+08:00

  • New features
  • Bugs fixed

Add type/value checks to variables

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-08-26T17:20:39+02:00

  • Initial release to an unsuspecting world

Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.

Changes for 2.340 - 2023-08-26

  • Fix in where/having/when: add parentheses only at the top level.
  • Allow window function everywhere in select and order_by.

write command line apps with less suffering

Changes for 0.336 - 2023-08-26T11:07:01-04:00

  • allow getopt_conf to be provided by user (thanks, Michael McClimon!)
  • add "--version" to Simple commands (thanks, Diab Jerius!)
  • don't point to Plugin docs when they don't exist (thanks, Sawyer!)

C stacktraces for GNU systems

Changes for 0.012 - 2023-08-26T15:51:13+02:00

  • Restore custom psiginfo logic for BSDs

A Perl interface to the yescrypt password hash

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-08-26T14:34:24+02:00

  • Switch to Module::Build::Tiny

configure, create and run LXC application containers

Changes for 0.21 - 2023-08-26T11:53:11Z

  • added some more diagnostics for failing smoker tests

magical coercers for scalar values

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-08-26T13:25:23+02:00

  • Initial release to an unsuspecting world

Terse, Prefixed and Multiple Imports with a Single Statement

Changes for v0.1.2 - 2023-08-26

  • fixes plugin for installing external dependencies

Changes for 0.71 - 2023-08-26

  • mapping update (a.o. from Corion)
  • fallback detection for debian:bookworm and ubuntu:jammy
  • detect Rocky Linux

Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities

Changes for 20230826.001 - 2023-08-26T08:48:19Z

  • Update for CVE-2022-48522 (perl)

Provides a FFI wrapper for libgs1encoders

Changes for 0.30 - 2023-08-26T09:13:00Z

  • fix: Exception handling

Slice and dice spreadsheets, optionally using tied variables.

Changes for 1000.002

interpolate Data:😁umper output into strings for human consumption

Changes for 6.005

Terse, Prefixed and Multiple Imports with a Single Statement

Changes for v0.1.1

  • Fixes

change-suggester about insignificant details.

Changes for v0.4.0

  • Released at 2023-08-26T11:01:04+0900
  • new rule: AddTrailingCommas
  • The rule MoreOrLessSpaces is removed. Better to use perltidy.

interactive terminal-based viewer for App::sdview

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-08-26

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

a widget displaying a scrollable collection of

Changes for 0.30 - 2023-08-26


Guess the file content's MIME type using File::MimeInfo::Magic then if type can be guessed and file doesn't yet have extension or has unmatching extension then add an extension

Changes for 0.607 - 2023-06-30

  • First release, split from App-perlmv.
  • Use File::MimeInfo::Magic instead of LWP::MediaTypes because the latter only use filename instead of content.

Pod::Coverage extension for Moose

Changes for 0.08 - 2023-08-25T22:44:37Z

  • fix "Attempt to call undefined import method with arguments" error on perl 5.39.1

a terminal document viewer for POD and other syntaxes

Changes for 0.11 - 2023-08-25


generate HTML output from App::sdview

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-08-25

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

Provides a FFI wrapper for libgs1encoders

Changes for 0.20 - 2023-08-25T21:15:00Z

  • fix: Add as main module description

Provides a FFI wrapper for libgs1encoders

Changes for 0.10 - 2023-08-25T20:50:00Z

  • first implementation

C stacktraces for GNU systems

Changes for 0.011 - 2023-08-25T18:21:45+02:00

  • Correct check for being loaded first
  • Always use psiginfo

Fetch actual raw streamable URLs from various radio-station, video & podcast websites.

Changes for 2.17 - 2023-08-25

  • StreamFinder::Rumble - Further Cleanup artist and description fields of excess leading & trailing spacing likely introduced by possible tweaks in their site. This issue was causing Fauxdacious mediaplayer to fail to properly load display metadata for Rumble streams.

Predict satellite visibility using Astro::Coord::ECI

Changes for 0.050_01 - 2023-08-25

  • Add --almanac to pass(). This adds almanac data to appropriate passes. --ephemeris is more verbose, adding almanac data to all passes. This change involved refactoring event formatting to use sub-templates, rather than if-elsif-else chains.
  • Add 'none' as valid argument to FormatTime->round_time(). It is equivalent to specifying undef, i.e. no rounding.

Toolkit for CLI Automation

Changes for 2.400000 - 2023-08-25

  • Fix Cisco privileged prompt discovery when the last line of a received block ends in #, which makes it look like a privileged prompt, but contains spaces
  • Improve performance of ::Wrapper::Net_Telnet by reading all blocks of available data instead of only the first one per pump call. This also reduces the possibility of incorrect prompt matching.
  • Lower CPU utilization by sleeping for 10 milliseconds between each pump iteration
  • Improve debug output by wrapping the buffer data in single quotes

configure, create and run LXC application containers

Changes for 0.20 - 2023-08-25T07:43:30Z

  • t/08-data.t: added diagnostics for test failing on some smokers

Converts any complicated conditional dispatch situation into familiar static hash-key based dispatch

Changes for 0.95

  • POD updates
  • no functional changes