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tie xscreensaver into dbus

Changes for 1.0.4 - 2023-10-22T21:03:17+01:00

  • simpler proxy object

A date and time object for Perl

Changes for 1.63 - 2023-10-22

  • This release is the same as 1.62. This releases fixes quadmath builds on Windows. Reported by @sisyphus. GH #139.

HTTP Basic authentication plugin for Dancer2 that does what I want.

Changes for 0.0901 - 2023-10-22

  • no code changes, only re-uploading without all the dependencies in the package (was too long since I last touched perl ^^')

HTTP Basic authentication plugin for Dancer2 that does what I want.

Changes for 0.09 - 2023-10-22

  • fix for Dancer2 1.0.0: header keyword deprecated, replaced by response_header (thanks ANDK!)
  • remove deprecated handler configuration (deprecated since 0.06, so Feb 2019)

a GUI to scan any perl data structure or object

Changes for 2.018 - 2023-10-22

  • add data-viewer script
  • ObjScanner: add -destroy_label option
  • remove support of obsolete pseudo-hashes

functions for controlling the program execution process

Changes for 0.0.1 - 2023-10-22T12:47:53Z

  • coverage 100%

A parser for C header files that calls the given subroutines when a symbol of a specified type is encountered.

create a HTTP::Request from a curl command line

Changes for 0.53 - 2023-10-22

  • Properly output form arguments when regenerating a curl command line
  • Fix code generation for form submission with LWP::UserAgent
  • disable Test2::V0 srand() tomfoolery
  • clean up our tempfiles
  • Test Mojolicious if available for fetch() parameter generation

printf function for string with ANSI sequence

Changes for 2.03 - 2023-10-22T08:03:39Z

  • Introduce $Text::ANSI:😛rintf::REORDER variable to enable argument reordering.

Bitcoin cryptography in Perl

Changes for 2.002

  • New features
  • Improvements
  • Changes and fixes

Read/write Brotli buffers/streams

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-10-21T21:15+03:00

  • New Maintainer TIMLEGGE
  • Update included Brotli library to v1.1.0

Add datestamp prefix (YYYYMMDD-) to filenames, using files' modification time as date

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-02-27

  • First release.

Validate data against a schema

Changes for 0.573 - 2023-10-21T23:49:03Z

  • fix construction of default values of some attributes e.g. media_types, encodings
  • fix list context of has_errors, error_count, annotation_count methods

The Perl core test smoke suite

Changes for 1.80_05 - 2023-10-21T17:06:05+02:00

  • (Abe Timmerman, Sat, 21 Oct 2023 17:06:05 +0200) Autocommit for distribution Test-Smoke 1.80_05 (test)

SQL Simple Operations

Changes for 2023.284.1

  • WARNING: The Enchanced Changes can provide differents results by previous versions
  • WARNING: Before applying this version you must retest your SQL command
  • WARNING: to verify formatting created by previous versions.
  • news: Command 'SelectSubQuery' added; by CCELSO
  • news: Option 'subquery' added; by CCELSO
  • news: Option 'buffer_hashindex' added; by CCELSO
  • news: Option 'cursor_key' multiple entries support added; by CCELSO
  • news: Option 'table' in update command with multiple entries support added; by CCELSO
  • news: Option 'fields => "*"' with 'Alias Table' configuration; by CCELSO
  • fix: Selectcursor fail with buffer as hash based buffer_hashkey; by CCELSO
  • fix: Duplicate keys in order_by; by CCELSO
  • fix: Cursor_key can not be mapped when using fields/aliases in multiple tables; by CCELSO
  • fix: Mismatch field list configuration in select for fields/aliases; by CCELSO
  • fix: Order_by does not translate the column using alias name; by CCELSO
  • fix: Last message does not reset before new command; by CCELSO
  • change: Enchanced changes in fields/aliases analizer and formater; by CCELSO
  • change: Enchanced changes in where clause analizer and formater; by CCELSO
  • change: Message 010 and 021 text revised; by CCELSO

Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering

Changes for 1.43 - 2023-10-21

  • Remove duplicate license
  • Require Config::Any
  • Fix cmd_aliases for flags (fixed by William Barker)
  • Remove smartmatch (implemented by Petr Pisar)
  • Allow to override build date with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH (implemented by Bernhard M. Wiedemann)

Apache mod_perl changes logfile

Changes for 2.0.13

  • Use get_server_banner() instead of deprecated get_server_version() in Apache2::Status. [Petr Písař <]
  • Avoid generating APR precompiled headers. [Sam James <>]
  • Fix build for perl >= 5.37.1. [Jitka Plesnikova <>]

conceal and recover interface for text processing

Changes for 1.03 - 2023-10-21T05:00:24Z

  • Introduce 'duplicate' parameter.

Utilities related to plotting data using gnuplot

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-10-21

  • cli xyplot

Allow designating routes to respond only on hostname match

Changes for 1.0000 - 2023-10-20T21:56:39-04:00


Utilities related to plotting data using gnuplot

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-10-20

  • No functional changes.
  • [doc] Tweak description: describe how the plot will be seen/saved.
  • [doc][ux] Show how to accept data from stdin.
  • [doc] Mention tchart & asciichart.

chip driver for PMS5003

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-10-21

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

a simple syntax for lexical field-based objects

Changes for 0.805 - 2023-10-20


A PKCS11 interface for Perl

Changes for 0.014 - 2023-10-21T00:17:19+02:00

  • Split Crypt::HSM:😛rovider out of Crypt::HSM namespace

Parse plain English date/time range strings

Changes for v1.0.0 - 2023-10-20T19:23:20Z

  • Update README with v1.0.0 (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Pull request #1: Updates for 0.9 (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Attribute MAq as an author (Mark Flickinger)
  • Switch to Dist::Zilla:😛luginBundle::Author::GSG (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Remove .perl-version (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Tidy up cpanfile (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Update META yml with version and author (James Hammer)
  • Add Verion and Authority to main file (James Hammer)
  • Fix business day logic beginning date bugs (James Hammer)
  • Change maintained by line (James Hammer)
  • Update POD (James Hammer)
  • Rearrange elsif portions (James Hammer)
  • Condense conditional statements (James Hammer)
  • Fix spacing issues (James Hammer)
  • Regroup last|past together (James Hammer)
  • Improve Dashed Date regex (James Hammer)
  • Add todo for all zeros case (James Hammer)
  • last and past mintues and hours start and end at BOD, EOD (James Hammer)
  • Condense next hours minute seconds logic (James Hammer)
  • Make wider use of EOD instead of adding one day and subtracting a second (James Hammer)
  • Business day logic autocompletes with incomplete array (James Hammer)
  • Condense past hours minutes and seconds to one subroutine (James Hammer)
  • Only rely on Date::Manip for business days logic (James Hammer)
  • Clarify the ambiguous variable in converting US dashed dates (James Hammer)
  • Remove unecessary Regex (James Hammer)
  • Add distzilla dependencies (James Hammer)
  • Support US style dates with dashes (James Hammer)
  • Support mm-dd-yyyy (James Hammer)
  • Fix ago and from now to act like previous (James Hammer)
  • Capitalize global variables (James Hammer)
  • Fix last and past weekday calculation (James Hammer)
  • Support last and past times (James Hammer)
  • Reorder dates that have been reported backwards (James Hammer)
  • Support Time from now without the regex switch (James Hammer)
  • Support N intervals ago without the regex alteration to past n intervals (James Hammer)
  • Support this, next, last, past minute, second, hour (James Hammer)
  • Deal with second vs 2nd at the end of a phrase (James Hammer)
  • Honor times in the input string (James Hammer)
  • Support english ordinal numbering up to 31 (James Hammer)
  • Fully utilize beginning and end of day and year hashes (James Hammer)

Verify, Cache and Optimise CGI Output

Changes for 0.85

  • Don't try to build Brotli on platforms it doesn't support

class-based HTML-centric templating system

Changes for 1.2.2 - 2023-10-20


Colored echo command using ANSI terminal sequence

Changes for 1.05 - 2023-10-20T09:14:30Z

  • Support arguments reordering in the format string.

data pack for Business::ISBN

Changes for 20231020.001 - 2023-10-20T08:12:42Z

  • Data update for 2023-10-20

TUI-related functions for selecting directories, files, numbers and subsets of lists.

Changes for 0.140 - 2023-10-20

  • Update settings_menu: skip undefined values.

TOML-based CMDB provider for Rex

Changes for 0.0.2 - 2023-10-19

  • Note paths only supports scalars when roles are in use.
  • Work properly when the path is not ./cmdb/roles/ for the role directory.

printf function for string with ANSI sequence

Changes for 2.02 - 2023-10-20T04:18:34Z

  • Support argument reordering.

conceal and recover interface for text processing

Changes for 1.02 - 2023-10-20T01:54:29Z

  • Document 'ordered' parameter.
  • test VPrintf uses ordered => 0 and surprisingly works

Decode Garmin FIT files

Changes for 1.11 - 2023-10-19

  • Updated to FIT 21.115 profile

List of modules related to country codes

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-10-20

  • Fix formatting typo.
  • Fix Changes file.

List of modules related to country codes

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-08-06

  • Replace entry Locale::Util::Country with App::ListCountries & App::LocaleCodesUtils.

List of modules related to country codes

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-08-06

  • No functional changes.
  • Typo.

List of modules related to country codes

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-08-06

  • No functional changes.
  • [doc] Mention related list: Acme::CPANModules::CountryCodes.

API Access to Snipe-IT

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-10-19T22:47:46Z

  • updated the readme}

Google Ads API Client Library for Perl

Changes for 19.0.0 - 2023-10-19

  • Added support for Google Ads API v15.0.
  • Renamed upload_conversion_with_identifiers to upload_enhanced_conversions_for_leads and upload_conversion_enhancement to upload_enhanced_conversions_for_web, and updated these examples.
  • Renamed get_product_bidding_category_constant to get_product_category_constants and updated.
  • Updated examples: upload_offline_conversion, add_customer_match_user_list, upload_call_conversion, upload_store_sales_transactions, add_merchant_center_dynamic_remarketing_campaign, add_performance_max_product_listing_group_tree, add_performance_max_retail_campaign, add_shopping_product_ad.

API Access to Snipe-IT

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-10-19T20:36:07Z

  • updated for Object:😛ad changes

Access data from Garmin Connect

Changes for 1.1.1 - 2023-10-19

  • Cache the Garmin API access token (thanks noduck!)
  • Add a CONTRIBUTORS file

Provides the official rt and rt-mailgate command line clients

Changes for 5.0.5 - 2023-10-19

  • Remove trailing / from mailgate url examples

framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks

Changes for 1.4

  • amended logfile naming to same principles as in config lookup keys (scriptname + addToScriptName suffix), restore @ARGV after commandline parsing to allow for own commandline parsing, improved suppressing error messages in EAI::FTP::fetchFiles, improved error handling for empty files.