SQL Simple Operations
Changes for 2023.284.1
- WARNING: The Enchanced Changes can provide differents results by previous versions
- WARNING: Before applying this version you must retest your SQL command
- WARNING: to verify formatting created by previous versions.
- news: Command 'SelectSubQuery' added; by CCELSO
- news: Option 'subquery' added; by CCELSO
- news: Option 'buffer_hashindex' added; by CCELSO
- news: Option 'cursor_key' multiple entries support added; by CCELSO
- news: Option 'table' in update command with multiple entries support added; by CCELSO
- news: Option 'fields => "*"' with 'Alias Table' configuration; by CCELSO
- fix: Selectcursor fail with buffer as hash based buffer_hashkey; by CCELSO
- fix: Duplicate keys in order_by; by CCELSO
- fix: Cursor_key can not be mapped when using fields/aliases in multiple tables; by CCELSO
- fix: Mismatch field list configuration in select for fields/aliases; by CCELSO
- fix: Order_by does not translate the column using alias name; by CCELSO
- fix: Last message does not reset before new command; by CCELSO
- change: Enchanced changes in fields/aliases analizer and formater; by CCELSO
- change: Enchanced changes in where clause analizer and formater; by CCELSO
- change: Message 010 and 021 text revised; by CCELSO