The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology is one of the dominant models used to explain why users accept and eventually use (or not) a given technology. I am not sure if anyone has applied to study the acceptance and adoption of programming languages in either voluntary (hobby) or mandatory (work) environments. Perhaps it is applicable in those domains as well. There are some newer extensions for the social media age discussed in the article that may be more relevant to the adoption of languages or the emergence of fads in this space.
submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
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submitted by /u/cheater00 [link] [comments] |
GitHub - cheater/pmset-session: Automatically turn off sleep while you are connected to macOS via ssh.
Automatically turn off sleep while you are connected to macOS via ssh. - cheater/pmset-sessionGitHub
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(dxiv) 14 great CPAN modules released last week
Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
I came across this article by Mr d F and it piqued my curiosity about the curses and ncurses ecosystem.
Among the more ambitious projects that I have found, there is an attempt to implement vi in Perl:
Spoiler: It still runs, Perl is awesome. ^_^
Does anyone else have a success to share about using Perl with curses/ncurses?
submitted by /u/singe
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