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Since the language formerly known as Perl 6 has officially gone off on its own, has there been any effort to implement a true Perl 5 successor?

In my opinion, Raku tried to do too much with the syntax itself, scaled Perl's flexibility to infinity, and made itself unusable.

Perl 5 does not need much for it to become a "modern" language. Instead of extending the flexibility of the syntax, the direction for Perl 6 should emphasize standardizing core utilities to facilitate integration with modern workflows.

- Package/module management and import/export could benefit from streamlining
- Stronger LSP and debug/error tooling (Rust has spoiled me)
- "Prettier" auto-formatting for source code (For those 30yo system scripts, you know the ones I mean)

What would be on your wishlist?

submitted by /u/J_Stach
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