submitted by /u/cheater00 [link] [comments] |
GitHub - cheater/pmset-session: Automatically turn off sleep while you are connected to macOS via ssh.
Automatically turn off sleep while you are connected to macOS via ssh. - cheater/pmset-sessionGitHub
submitted by /u/niceperl
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(dxiv) 14 great CPAN modules released last week
Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
I came across this article by Mr d F and it piqued my curiosity about the curses and ncurses ecosystem.
Among the more ambitious projects that I have found, there is an attempt to implement vi in Perl:
Spoiler: It still runs, Perl is awesome. ^_^
Does anyone else have a success to share about using Perl with curses/ncurses?
submitted by /u/singe
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submitted by /u/pmz
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Flavio Glock On Perl, Java, Compilers And Virtual Machines
Programming book reviews, programming tutorials,programming news, C#, Ruby, Python,C, C++, PHP, Visual Basic, Computer book reviews, computer history, programming history, joomla, theory, spreadsheets and