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Good afternoon, all. I have a Perl script that connects to a bunch of REST-based services via LWP::Simple. I'm running on MacOS (Perl v5.30). One of these services moved to be SSL-based. I've been struggling to find an appropriate library to use for SSL with Perl. These libraries require a certain amount of certificate management on my Mac -- and integration with Perl via environment variables or such -- and the instructions are generally sparse/obtuse. Can anybody help with this? I'm not looking to do anything particularly fancy. Just call a REST service via HTTPS. Thanks in advance for your help.

submitted by /u/Ok_Pepper_6594
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We need to be able to work with parquet files. It is a must.

For anyone cares a solution could me a native DuckDB driver. It is a pitty we do not have it.

George Bouras

submitted by /u/kzxfdjgheirhgfkds
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I am following instruction to the t; both with CPANM and from source the install fails.
OPEN_SSL prefix is set as followed
export OPENSSL_PREFIX="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1"

Full error message here:

Anyone able to help? Pulling my hair out.

submitted by /u/kosaromepr
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I'm getting an SSL failure , and I can’t figure out what isn’t migrated properly from the perl setup

'auto_upgrade' => 1 }, 'Mojo::Asset::Memory' ) }, 'Mojo::Content::Single' ), 'error' => [ 'IO::Socket::SSL 1.75 required for TLS support' ], 'finished' => 3, 'state' => 'finished'

It seems to be using the same exact local Perl config but after a long time chasing I have dumped out the module includes for perl and it is failing to load the file:

$VAR475 = 'IO/Socket/';
$VAR476 = undef;And $VAR161 = 'Net/';
$VAR162 = undef;

Whereas on the working (current, old server)It’s printing out correctly:

$VAR479 = 'IO/Socket/';
$VAR480 = '/var/home/tyeeapps/';$VAR161 = 'Net/';
$VAR162 = '/var/home/tyeeapps/';

I've reinstalled the revelant modules from yum at the system level, which shouldn't matter. As well as on the perlbrew install in play, and in Carton, which the app is using

relevant line of code:

which does:


= $ua->post( $API

. 'subscriptions' =>

{ 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml', Accept => '*/*' } =>

$transxml )->res;


my $xml = $res->body;

submitted by /u/nkrva
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