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It's gotta be me, but I'm at a loss. Installing with cpan: I can build XML::LibXML (lots of warnings) but the test suite refuses to run cleanly, staring with errors:

t/02parse.t ........................................ 1/533

# Failed test 'error parsing <!DOCTYPE X SYSTEM "example/ext\_ent.dtd">

# <X>\&foo;</X>

# '

# at t/02parse.t line 887.

# got: ''

# expected: anything else

# Looks like you failed 1 test of 533.`

and then getting worse from there.

I've installed the module on other Macs including other Intel boxes.

I've re-installed MacPorts (which is what I used to install LibXML2 and all the other prereqs).

I've built from source - same experience. Build succeeds, tests all fail.

I'm trying to figure out how to run the tests individually to see what's going on in better detail, but if anyone has seen and solved this funky issue of getting XML::LibXML to build and run cleanly on Mac OSX, please -I'd love to hear it. Everything else builds/tests/installs fine. reports does show some failed Mac builds.

submitted by /u/OS2REXX
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