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Supporting Universal Dependencies in the Tree Editor TrEd - Jan Štěpánek - TPRC 2024 submitted by /u/OODLER577
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If there was a mechanism to,

  • Opt-into Markdown documentation on a per-file basis.
  • Document your code with Markdown instead instead of POD

Assuming these concerns were met,

  • A call to perldoc MyModule rendered the Markdown to text with something like mdcat which supports images, links
  • No browser was required at all (mdcat works without a browser).
  • Support for terminal-rendering of Markdown was a part of core.
  • All of this was done merely by creating a distinction between a code-comment, and a doc-comment as demonstrated in this repo, where
    • A doc comment was marked with a line starting ##
    • Any other use of # continues to carry code-commenting semantics

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submitted by /u/EvanCarroll
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Perl is growing and adapting to the modern times, just like a new shiny Plug-In Hybrid car. Plug-in hybrid cars have the best of both worlds, an electric motor that has an average range of 20-60 miles and after its range is depleted it goes on the good old reliable gas motor for a few hundred miles.

Perl has many new shiny tech ( think of this as the Electric motor side of the Plug-In Hybrid car ) like Dancer2, Mojolicious , Starman and now COR which is a new OO system that is part of the language ( and many other cool new cpan modules that I might have missed * feel free to share your favorite new cpan module in the comments)

Perl has done a good job at keeping backwards compatibility ( now think of this as the gas engine side of the plugin hybrid car ) where many companies can still reliably run its perl code ( even after upgrading perl and obviously a few tweaks in the codebase here and there )

The Perl community is still active and its cpan modules continue to be maintained. Yes we have experienced a shrinking in the Perl community but the community has maintained a focus on improving the core modules that are shipped in the language and has paid close attention to widely used cpan modules ( read up on cpan river model - )

If you used to write Perl code or your curious about it then this is the best time to give Perl 5.40 a try and play around with some of its new web frameworks, cpan libraries and its new OO system COR.

submitted by /u/Itcharlie
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