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Perl extension for formatting numbers, colorizing output and so on

Changes for 0.0.4 - 2023-12-19T15:41:36Z

  • add functions in_tag and out_tag, for html-stack

Manipulate Mac OS X pasteboards

Changes for 0.104 - 2023-12-19

  • Return correct item ID. Thanks to DabeDotCom (Dabrien 'Dabe' Murphy) for the pull request.
  • Fix fatal error when compiled under Xcode 15 or above The error was introduced when I cut out the pbl back-end, but was previously not fatal -- at least not usually. Thanks to Mike Cappella for finding this for me.
  • No flavor tags in Monterey and forward.

Interface to the Moscow Metro Map.

Changes for 0.09 - 2023-12-19T13:12:33+01:00

  • Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
  • Fix image in doc.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Rename example files to better names.
  • Rewrite doc to use of =head2.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update author github username.
  • Update copyright years.
  • Update to Map::Tube 3.62.

The Suffit API web-server class

Changes for 1.07

  • Bug fixed: added additional condition to check file size while uploading file
  • Bug fixed: added WWW::Suffit::Server routes namespace by initialize

automatically create OpenTracing spans around DBI queries

Changes for v0.2.0 - 2023-05-25

  • Improve error reporting

Interface to the Minsk Metro Map.

Changes for 0.06 - 2023-12-19T12:39:56+01:00

  • Add EXAMPLE5 section to doc.
  • Add test for ok_map_functions().
  • Add new line to map.
  • Fix image in doc.
  • Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
  • Implement station order.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Rename example files to better names.
  • Rewrite XML map to new version with line IDs.
  • Rewrite XML map to new version without junctions.
  • Rewrite doc to use of =head2.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update author github username.
  • Update author name.
  • Update copyright years.
  • Update to Map::Tube 3.62.

Perl module for working with text embeddings using various APIs

Changes for 1.10

  • Die if an incorrect API is provided instead os a random error

Efficient buffered DBI inserter and fast INSERT SQL builder

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-12-17

  • Add last_insert_id.

a tiling window manager for X11

Changes for 3.1 - 2023-12-19

  • WM_STATE atom is now created manually unless it already exists to prevent crashes on unconfigured X server.
  • Fixed race condition on transient siblings removal.

Open a file or URL in the user's preferred application

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-10-21

  • Observe PERL_DESKTOP_OPEN_USE_BROWSER environment.

Greple module for text search and substitution

Changes for 2.3304 - 2023-12-19T07:26:30Z

  • fix ms-amend.dict

Open a file or URL in the user's preferred application

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-10-21

  • [bugfix] Fix implementing PERL_DESKTOP_OPEN_USE_BROWSER.

Validate data against a schema

Changes for 0.577 - 2023-12-19T05:27:04Z

  • new attribute on Error and Result objects: "recommended_response", for use when validating HTTP requests

A foreign function interface to GDAL

Changes for 0.11

  • Removed use of to FFI:😛latypus:😁eclare, now discouraged.
  • Add Layer::GetFeatureCount method
  • Bugfixes

List food categories in BPOM processed food division (old, pre-RBA version)

Changes for 0.019 - 2023-09-03

  • [ux] By default make summary more readable: use Text::ANSITable to reformat in multiple rows, separate paragraphs and bullet-points.

A Moose role for processing command line options

Changes for 0.76 - 2023-12-18T20:19:14Z

  • adjust tests to deal with formatting changes in Getopt::Long:😁escriptive 0.113

Networking constants for your system

Changes for v0.1.2 - 2023-12-19

  • re-upload to cpan. indexed error?

Perl library for accessing Cassandra using its binary network protocol

Changes for 0.21 - 2023-12-18

  • Fix rare compilation error

Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.

Changes for 2.400 - 2023-12-18

  • Changed SQL submenu behavior.
  • New scalar functions.
  • New extension to set aliases for all selected columns.
  • Fixes for submenus HAVING and ORDER_BY when in aggregate mode.
  • Updates for option alias.
  • Update aggregate mode.
  • Catch table-print execute errors earlier.
  • Removed backwards compatibility for old f_attached_db and f_subqueries format.
  • Use Clone to backup data.
  • Term::Choose::Util minimum version '0.140'.
  • Update documentation.

Expansion of test functionalities that appear to be frequently used while testing.

Changes for 2.3.1 - 2023-12-18

  • Adjust list of required modules, remove redundant comments.

Calendar view for RT ticket dates and custom fields

Changes for 1.09 - 2023-12-18

  • Add French translation (thanks elacour!)
  • Restrict image width for better display on metacpan

a CLI for Data::Gimei

Changes for v0.2.3 - 2023-12-18T08:38:25Z

  • delete stale comment
  • update perl version
  • update actions/checkout@v4
  • change default value of gender and word_subtype
  • perl tidy
  • delete unused module
  • [test]do not check exit_code when there's an error message
  • [test]introduce t::Util
  • [test]rename files

Greple module for text search and substitution

Changes for 2.3303 - 2023-12-18T08:21:35Z

  • update ms-amend.dict

Greple frame output module

Changes for 1.03 - 2023-12-18T08:05:39Z

  • introduce --frame-cols option

MIDI and music creation modules

Changes for 0.1915 - 2023-12-17T16:14:09Z

  • Replaced MIDI::Bassline::Walk with Music::Bassline::Generator.

CLI utilities related to CSV

Changes for 1.032 - 2023-09-05

  • Add utility: csv-sort-fields-by-example.

Dancer2 logger interface for Log4perl.

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-12-16T20:33:07-05:00


Validate data against a schema, minimally

Changes for 0.022 - 2023-12-17T00:42:56Z

  • new $STRINGY_NUMBERS option, for validating numbers more loosely

Check whether filename looks like a perl module release archive, e.g. a CPAN release tarball

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-08-27

  • First release.

Reverse Operations of localtime and gmtime.

Changes for 0.111 - 2023-12-13

  • Internal Changes
  • Document Improvement
  • Test Improvement

INI file reader, allows the referencing of INI and environment variables within the INI file.

Changes for 0.06 - 2023-12-17

  • Added variable '=VERSION'. Added method current_tocopy_section(). Added method separator(). Added constructor argument cmnt_vl Completed POD.

The Suffit API web-server class

Changes for 1.06

  • Added the `authorize` method to WWW::Suffit::Server::Auth

The Suffit core library

Changes for 1.07

  • Added randchars function into WWW::Suffit::Util

Determine Belorussian official holidays and business days.

Changes for 1.2024.0 - 2024-12-17

  • exact dates for 2024
  • 2038 problem on x86 with perl < 5.12

Transparency & Consent String version 2 parser

Changes for 0.200

  • refactor constants, stop use dualvars
  • validate parameters on method check_publisher_restriction
  • add method publisher_restrictions by vendor id
  • add prefetch option to cache vendor ids when the consent string is range based.
  • It is 2x faster check consent on a prefetched vendor than a regular one if the consent is range based. Without increase the Parsing time.

framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks

Changes for 1.905

  • fixed alreadyProcessedLogErrors check, included checkFiles into getFilesFromFTP, getLocalFiles and redoFiles (not necessary to call in scripts separately), check/compare task{execOnly} with process{onlyExecFor} only if process{onlyExecFor} was set (empty = always executed).

ANSI sequence aware column command

Changes for 1.39 - 2023-12-17T02:59:03Z

  • apply RPN calculation for --up parameter

A Handy Debugging Module With Colorized Output and Formatting

Changes for 2.13

  • Relaxed module version requirements in make.

CLI utilities related to RGB color

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-03-29

  • Add utilities: mix-2-rgb-colors, mix-rgb-colors.

Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful

Changes for 0.113 - 2023-12-15T16:55:46-05:00

  • improve line wrapping so spacers (non-option text lines) can use more horizontal characters
  • replace tabs (generally 8 space) indents in output with four spaces

RT-Extension-SwitchUsers Extension

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-12-15

  • Skip ACL on Creator/LastUpdatedBy check in SwitchUsers. Allows additional transaction recording to succeed without error when SwitchUsers is utilized.
  • Fix id schema of SwitchUsers for mysql
  • Add Pg schema for SwitchUsers
  • Add SQLite schema for SwitchUsers
  • All versions below were internal releases and thus not published to CPAN.