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Mojolicious Plugin to overload a Configuration

Changes for v0.01 - 2015-07-03T14:07:49Z

  • e1f23c0 (tag: v0.01) update README, perldoc to correct documentation bug
  • cab8815 update perldoc, README to reflect current state
  • 7feb78c adds test suite from ::INIConfig::Extended
  • eee3b61 add cpanfile, .gitignore local/
  • 3309210 initial commit, INIConfig::Extended
  • 90bbfe4 start to flesh out README
  • eec5693 Initial commit

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989071 - 2023-02-12

  • New Features
  • Changes
  • Bug Fix
  • Incompatible Changes

Data Dump Beautifier

Changes for v0.1.9 - 2024-02-13T10:32:20Z

  • Correction of a minor bug in _dump()

Sort by most similar to a reference string

Changes for 0.001 - 2024-01-22

  • First release.

List of modules and tips when dumping data structures for debugging

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-10-29

  • No functional changes.
  • Tweak Abstract (add 'List of ...') to follow convention.

Cookie Object with Encryption or Signature

Changes for v0.3.5 - 2024-02-13T08:49:15Z

  • Correction of a minor bug in Cookie:😁omain::Result

Read environment variables from .env file

Changes for 0.008 - 2024-02-13T00:27:14+01:00

  • Documentation Correction. (David Kaufman <>)

Testing tools to enforce Perl::Critic policies

Changes for 0.07 - 2024-02-12T16:13:47Z

  • New hook violations (gh#11)

Make new tickets from correspondence

Changes for 0.04

  • Installation instructions correction (Codeberg issue #1 / RT #151741)
  • Action path correction from Andreas Wandel (Codeberg issue #2 / RT #151742)
  • Perldoc updated to match README

Make new tickets from correspondence

Changes for 0.03

  • Installation instructions correction (Codeberg issue #1 / RT #151741)
  • Action path correction from Andreas Wandel (Codeberg issue #2 / RT #151742)

A class for DBI drivers that act on Excel File.

Changes for 0.07 - 2024-02-12

  • added GitHub repo
  • added some tests
  • POD improvements, RT #9374
  • improve distribution folder layout
  • fix RT #26016: added license information to Makefile.PL
  • fix RT #3176: added SQL::Statement requirement to Makefile.PL

Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.

Changes for 2.405 - 2024-02-12

  • Bugfixes in the 'search & replace' input filter.

Yet another DarkPAN manager.

Changes for 0.51 - 2024-02-12T16:20:34Z

  • fix is_ArrayRef() precedence change if Type::Tiny:🤐S is installed (GH#67) (XSven)

compiler from markdown to tests and documentation

Changes for 3.0 - 2024-02-12T15:02:02Z

  • use trans util for translate md to pod

RT-Extension-FormTools Extension

Changes for 1.04 - 2024-02-12

  • Avoid long redirect URLs resulting from clicking the Back button

Tags helpers for HTML elements.

Changes for 0.07 - 2024-02-12T12:18:17+01:00

  • Add CSS for Input button.
  • Add CSS for Input checkbox.
  • Support onlick to Input.

Interface to test and compare Excel files (.xls/.xlsx).

Changes for 1.54 - 2024-02-12T11:00:00Z

Data objects for HTML elements.

Changes for 0.11 - 2024-02-12T12:08:24+01:00

  • Add 'onclick' parameter to Input.

Yet another NoteBook widget

Changes for 0.05

  • changed option -closetabcall to call deletePage by default. updated documentation. adjusted the IsFull method to prevent oscillation. Hope it works.

EPP client code for Nominet

Changes for 0.08_01 - 2024-02-09

deal with RFC 2047 encoded words (improved)

Changes for 1.015.0 - 2024-02-12

  • Fix: Correct specials for DISPNAME mode.
  • Fix: CPAN RT #116463: Remove . from @INC when loading modules dynamically.
  • Fix: Suppress "Use of uninitialized value" warnings.
  • CPAN RT #116465: Fix spelling error in manpage.

translation support module for greple

Changes for 0.30 - 2024-02-12T07:19:06Z

  • ad hoc support for ChatGPT-4

Testing tools to enforce Perl::Critic policies

Changes for 0.06 - 2024-02-11T18:01:37Z

  • New hook cleanup (gh#10)

List of wrappers for the diff Unix command

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-10-29

  • No functional changes.
  • Tweak Abstract (add 'List of ...') to follow convention.

Data objects for MARC leader.

Changes for 0.05 - 2024-02-11T23:39:10+01:00

  • Add 'raw' parameter.
  • Add tests.

Mo utilities.

Changes for 0.22 - 2024-02-11T23:29:01+01:00

  • Add check_length_fix().
  • Add information about module version for checks in doc.

The Mozilla Public Suffix List

Changes for 0.503 - 2024-02-11T22:14:34Z

  • refresh distro, update email address, move to BRIANDFOY

A command-line tool to deal with bcrypt password hashing

Changes for 1.002 - 2024-02-11T21:42:08Z

  • refresh distro, update email addresses, move to BRIANDFOY

Create a Perl module directory from your own templates

Changes for 2.003 - 2024-02-11T21:37:32Z

  • fix templates for Mojo-based templating
  • document all template vars in dist_cooker
  • refresh distro, update email addresses, move to BRIANDFOY

GrabzIt enables allows you to programmatically convert web pages and HTML into images, DOCX, videos, rendered HTML, PDFs, CSVs and spreadsheets. Additionally GrabzIt allows you to convert online videos into animated GIFs

Testing tools to enforce Perl::Critic policies

Changes for 0.05 - 2024-02-11T11:12:33Z

  • Added an optional OO interface, the old Procedural interface still works as before (gh#8)
  • New method add_hook (gh#8)
  • New hook progressive_check (gh#8)

Mo utilities for URI.

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-02-11T17:16:43+01:00

  • First version.

Extract a module version safely

Changes for 1.117 - 2024-02-11T07:18:52Z

  • refresh distro, update email address, move to BRIANDFOY

work with the cross product of two or more sets

Changes for 2.009 - 2024-02-11T07:12:34Z

  • refresh distro, update email address, move to BRIANDFOY

Custom overloading of sprintf

Changes for 1.003 - 2024-02-11T06:57:29Z

  • refresh distro, update email address, move to BRIANDFOY

work with International Standard Music Numbers

Changes for 1.204 - 2024-02-11T06:50:27Z

  • refresh distro, update email address, move to BRIANDFOY