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Mo utilities.

Changes for 0.19 - 2023-08-21T19:30:10+02:00

  • Fix check_array_required(). It's required.
  • Regen README file.

Mo utilities.

Changes for 0.18 - 2023-08-21T19:15:45+02:00

  • Add check_array_required().
  • Add missing check for key to check_array_object().
  • Improve ERROR section in doc for better check_array_object().

a btrfs snapshot and backup management system

Changes for 3.15.3 - 2023-08-21

  • Updates to manual

configure, create and run LXC application containers

Changes for 0.17 - 2023-08-21T10:08:20Z

  • t/06-update.t: again some fixes for different distributions
  • t/06-update.t: check for "/usr/bin/missing doesn't exist" now optional
  • t/06-update.t: fix for real /bin, /lib, /sbin ... directories

Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x

Changes for 1.859

Low-level access to the X11 library

Changes for 0.25 - 2023-08-21

  • Resolve naming conflict with perl CORE (issue #8)
  • Implement XGetKeyboardControl and struct XKeyboardState
  • Allow C-style API for XTranslateCoordinates, XQueryPointer, and XGetGeometry that return values into params, while also allowing perl-style API that returns a list.
  • Many documentation updates (full method coverage)
  • Numerous tooling improvements and author tests
  • Update to Devel:😛PPort-3.71

Alien package for the Ruby programming language

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-08-20

  • First release.

Rename files using Perl code

Changes for 0.607 - 2023-06-30

  • Split scriptlet add_extension_according_to_mime_type to its own distro to minimize dependencies.

what modules shipped with versions of perl

Changes for 5.20230820

  • Updated for v5.39.2

Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs

Changes for 5.20230820

  • Change: f31e695f438145c9082efa6231ca84cba1e59f68 Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <> Date : 2023-08-21 00:56:15 +0000

An interface to the CIAO parameter library.

Changes for 0.09 - 2023-08-20T16:30:09-04:00

  • TEST

Quickly set up a form.

Changes for 0.04

  • Updated dependancies. Made method createForm return the notebook, if any;

configure, create and run LXC application containers

Changes for 0.16 - 2023-08-20T09:32:02Z

  • t/06-update.t: yet some more fixes for non-Debian distributions

Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.

Changes for 2.339 - 2023-08-20

  • Added ODBC plugin.
  • Update alias derived tables.
  • Rearrangements in the option menu.
  • Bugfix: removed support for the environment variable DBI_DSN.
  • Renamed function 'instr' to 'position'.

Generate random sets of Czech names.

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-08-20T08:32:57+02:00

  • API change: name() returns random male/female name as default.
  • Add name_female() and name_male() functions.
  • Implement random number of generated names. First name vs first with middle names.
  • Move copyright dates to begin of copyright string.
  • Rename example files to better names.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update copyright years.

Generate HTML5/etc. markup for acronyms

Changes for 0.0.4 - 2023-08-20

  • Add the 'link' named argument.

Build and Install the CIAO cxcparam library

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-08-19T21:02:08-04:00


Scenarios to benchmark File::Flock::Retry

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-01-19

  • Rename module/dist Bencher-Scenarios-{FileFlockRetry,File-Flock-Retry}.

Extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM

Changes for 2.00 - 2023-08-19T22:24:38Z

  • fix some test module renamings that were missed in 1.99
  • Fix test failure with SQLite 3.37.0 (RT#140748)

Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters

Changes for 1.13 - 2023-08-19

  • More descriptive syntax errors shift $self off of @_

Make implicit imports explicit

Changes for 0.000052 - 2023-08-19T19:03:55Z

  • Allow PPI::Statement::Expression in hash key (GH#102) (José Manuel Rodríguez D.)
  • Fix the never-exports test for machines with older LWP::UserAgent (GH#101) (E. Choroba)

Functions and methods with parameter lists for exact

Changes for 1.00 - 2023-08-19T09:58:06-07:00

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

A date and time object for Perl

Changes for 1.60 - 2023-08-19

  • Switched to using the `Perl_isfinite` function instead of trying to implement this ourselves in XS code. This should fix quadmath builds on Windows. Reported by @sisyphus. GH #139.

Finds subroutines in namespace (attributes included).

Changes for 0.02 - 2023-08-19T14:15:01Z

  • set perl min version to v5.18

Finds subroutines in namespace (attributes included).

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-08-19T13:47:30Z

  • original version

Testing Tk widgets.

Changes for 3.02

  • Switched result and expected in cmp_deeply to reflect fails better
  • Updated documentation
  • Added $quitdelay as new export. Prevents crashing my desktop environment when many windows are rapidly flipping in and out of existence.
  • Added sub testaccessors

Perl Cooklang parser

Changes for 0.12 - 2023-08-19T07:53:06Z

A Plugin to interface Form::Tiny with OptArgs2

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-08-18T23:22:30-04:00


A logger role for Object:😛ad based classes based on Log::Log4perl

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-08-19T02:47:50Z

  • Initial release to an unsuspecting world

Utilities related to symbolic links

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-06-30

  • Add Rinci function metadata for check_symlink() so we can create CLI easily.

A vim/tmux based IDE for the terminal

Changes for 1.0.5 - 2023-08-18

  • Updating for release of version 1.0.5 Fixing issue with env not set (Ivan Wills) Fixing sessions command (Ivan Wills)

Perl pseudo pragma to enable strict, warnings, features, mro, filehandle methods

Changes for 1.20 - 2023-08-18T15:29:54-07:00

  • Update for Perl 5.38 and beyond
  • Add PerlX::Maybe integration