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iterators for objects that know the next element

Changes for 1.149 - 2024-04-11T16:53:34Z

  • Put POD in its own file so MetaCPAN sees it (#17)

Display details about the internal structure of Zip files

Changes for 4.002

  • Add a few sanity tests for the CPAN distro Sun Mar 31 10:51:44 2024 +0100 4bf6c4d06eb9ab4c2774a96d5fdfccd2bf9fdade
  • #17 Extended Timestamp [UT] says Change Time, should be Creation Time Sun Mar 31 09:58:19 2024 +0100 3677f980f35c326d42e3ab555a38f4991737e6ed
  • #16 Uninitialized values warnings Fixes Tue Mar 26 15:36:18 2024 +0000 0d29138c22ee54f6643deb5e2f678aaadc014e76
  • #15 Invalid unicode codepoint warning Tue Mar 26 09:42:17 2024 +0000 5b20efa85a35a08ee4e0d930f0b0861ecbc9857d
  • #15 Invalid unicode codepoint warning Tue Mar 26 08:37:52 2024 +0000 79b2eab90162b6d910720a7bf152ab86d373cf1a
  • #15 Invalid unicode codepoint warning Mon Mar 25 23:14:14 2024 +0000 f52cb231ff62f1f738785269c242ba9487636854
  • Fix use-case where special data before payload could decrement the compressed size to zero Sat Feb 24 19:59:39 2024 +0000 adb9b9bec1e0f032e258ac0e406b4514fb6966ac
  • Fix use-case where a streamed zip file has data before the start of the zip file Thu Feb 22 17:22:05 2024 +0000 0afabd5c4a57c441f81d5a6fece36e84af7db4c6
  • Rework file truncation messaging Thu Feb 22 11:12:47 2024 +0000 4077b741a393e90b55a92853305e8884af21db03
  • Rework code for APK Signing Block Thu Feb 22 10:26:03 2024 +0000 144377ae41149f3c750545b86a87e4bf34e1e540
#15 #17 #16

framework for more readable interactive test scripts

Changes for 1.11 - 2024-02-26

  • Fixed a bug where options passed to 'new' were not used.
  • Changed RELEASE_TESTING variable. Now use a release-specific testing variable rather than RELEASE_TESTING. See GitHub #17 in my Locale-Codes module for details.

An RPM packager for perl modules

Changes for 1.15 - 2024-02-23

  • Changed RELEASE_TESTING variable. Now use a release-specific testing variable rather than RELEASE_TESTING. See GitHub #17 in my Locale-Codes module on GitHub for details.
  • Fixed bug where passing in no arguments resulted in a warning. GitHub #10
  • Fixed a bug where detecting Module::Build::Tiny was skipped if the --install-type parameter passed in. GitHub #16.
#10 #17 #16

Maintain and serve a PGXN web site

Changes for 0.23.5 - 2024-02-15T19:56:46Z

  • Restored the README to releases where the README is also listed as extension documentation (#17).

HTML::TreeBuilder and XPath compatible interface with libxml

Changes for 0.27 - 2024-01-09T06:19:12Z

#15 #17

Captures Test2::Harness results and emits a junit xml file.

Changes for 1.000005 - 2023-12-28

  • #15 - Fix POD Control sequence
  • #17 - Allow for set_no_numbers format
  • Stabilize tests by injecting no_app_path => 1 into yath() test runs.
#15 #17

a distribution of modules to handle locale codes

Changes for 3.77

  • NEW CODE(s)
  • Changed RELEASE_TESTING variable Now use a release-specific testing variable rather than RELEASE_TESTING. See GitHub #17 for details.

Common Neo4j type system

Changes for 2.00 - 2023-11-21

  • Add ByteArray, DateTime, and Duration types. (GH #15, #17)
  • Define methods and behaviour for the Neo4j 5 element ID. (GH #13)
  • Specify previously undefined behaviour. (GH #1, #11, #14)
  • Expand the implementor guidance for driver authors and separate it from the type definitions aimed at users.
  • Separate generic type implementations from the type definitions.
  • Offer test tools to help driver authors with conforming to these types.
  • Raise minimum required version of Perl to v5.10.1.
#15 #14 #1 #11 #17 #13

Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library

Changes for 1.46 - 2023-07-01

  • Reproduce Term::ReadLine::Stub’s behavior for ornaments (#17)
  • let new() fail on multiple instantiation (#16)
  • suppress warning errors on clang
  • make clean removes `*.dSYM` for macOS
  • update content
#17 #16


Asynchronous redis client using hiredis and EV

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-05-03T14:12:45Z
  • fix mem leak on "arrayref-" commands like mget (#17)


Run external commands and code at specific phases of Dist::Zilla

Changes for 0.049 - 2023-04-29T15:32:05Z
  • fix some test failures on MSWin32 due to path separators (Graham Ollis, #17)


Grant Street Group CPAN dists

Changes for v0.4.0 - 2023-02-21T19:05:54Z
  • Update README (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Pull request #18: SRE-6265 - XS Support (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Use filter instead of findstring for accuracy (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Fix typo (Larry Leszczynski)
  • Update README and LICENSE (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Match any Makefiles in the sharedir (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Act appropriately with a Makefile.PL in the root (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Improve distclean target (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Run tests verbosely (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Improve MAKEFILE_TARGET/MAKEFILE_SHARE handling (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
  • Pull request #17: Remove mentions of MANIFEST.SKIP from docs (Andrew Fresh)
  • Remove mentions of MANIFEST.SKIP from docs (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
#18 #17