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Kind of retired now after developing with Perl for the past 20 years, but I still maintain a large Perl code base as a hobby for a club. Just as well as there's little Perl work around in the UK.

The last straw was a mix of things, that `LWP` doesn't support `HTTP2` (so I have to `qx" curl ... "`), the syntax of destructuring a hash-ref, and that no one (in the club) but me knows (or wants to know) Perl, so there is no succession plan.

A large part of the site is Javascript, which made node-js the best migration target as I already half know it

For me, it's a worthy successor to Perl. Its actually quite similar. The language is already way too big (and getting bigger) so that you can look at someone else's code and not understand it 😀 And NPM is like CPAN, lots of similar modules, half of which abandonware, to choose from and you don't know which one to choose

Sure, some things are better... built-in curl (ie fetch/LWP) and convert to/from JSON, JSON like syntax for variables, destructuring objects, private variables and methods in classes, package.json (a config file)

And some much worse ... no `/x` on regex, no `statement if condition`, no auto-vivifying, no log4perl or template toolkit, no "-e file" ). It really pisses me off removing whitespace from regex knowing that /x will be added as a language feature one day. Yes I could of ...

But, overall, more things are better than worse.

In case you try it, even with a convert script, its a lot of work and a little tedious at times going through line by line

It would be great to have a version of Perl with JSON syntax for variables, but I guess, as it would break everything, it is too late.

To all those who have maintained Perl and CPAN modules over the years, THANK YOU.

submitted by /u/Loose_Potential6985
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This project is moving along just fine. Below is the current leaderboard. It's not about personal module count, it's creating more awareness about Perl. Also, some of these APIs are actually pretty neat! E.g., there's a "card deck" API for card playing programs.

All are invited to participate. Please click here for the rules and to claim the API. This is a great way to get your first CPAN module published, which is a major milestone for any Perl programmer. It's also great for experienced devs to blow off some steam or hone their skills. If you're new to CPAN and need help, email me directly at [](

The runner of FreePublicAPIs has been extremely supportive of this effort. He even created a site API for us, and I obliged by creating a real Perl client for it!

I'd like to specifically request that anyone using any of the new Perl stuff like signatures or Corinna/class to submit some as non-contrived examples of how they work or as proof of why people should use them. Here is a good summary of the new features in Perl 5.40 - give it a shot! I may even try something other than my Dispatch::Fu and Util::H2O::More modules, even though they makes writing commandline tools with subcommands and web API modules dead simple - TIMTODI!

ClaimedPAUSEAPI InfoModule NameStatusCompleted

submitted by /u/OODLER577
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submitted by /u/niceperl
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SlapbirdAPM now generically supports DBI!Hey friends, a few weeks back we introduced SlapbirdAPM (an open-source Perl application performance monitor), and received some great feedback from the community!

Today we'd like to announce that you are now able to track DBI queries in your applications (only available for Dancer2 and Mojolicious for now), regardless of your database, ORM, etc. Here's what it looks like! You can see the dancer2 code that generated these queries here.

This is just one of the many monitoring features provided by SlapbirdAPM, hopefully you find them as useful as we do! And a reminder we have a *forever* free tier available for everyone!

submitted by /u/ivan_linux
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