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A health check for your code

Changes for v1.9.0 - 2024-04-02T19:56:08Z

  • No changes found

Various methods of finding the center of a sample

Changes for 0.15 - 2024-04-02T09:56:35-04:00


cat-v command implementation

Changes for 0.9902 - 2024-04-02T10:12:53Z

  • make option -t to take tab width

Grammar for graphs

Changes for 0.1.1 - 2024-04-02

  • Add NAME section so MetaCPAN recognises module (GH#1).

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989097 - 2023-04-02

  • Imcompatible Changes
  • Compilation Error Messsage Improvement
  • Document Fix and Improvement

Easy to use REPL with existing lexical support and DWIM tab completion.

Changes for 0.18

  • 2024-04-02
  • Updated pod.

Sah schemas related to Perl

Changes for 0.050 - 2024-02-16

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-Perl following rename of Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} (for visual clarity and consistency with naming of other bundles).
  • [ux] Allow Foo//Bar (in addition to Foo/Bar) to be normalized as Foo::Bar.

find perl root and push lib modules path to @INC

Changes for 0.04 - 2024-04-01T22:07:19Z

  • add dependencys to cpanfile Cwd, Path::Tiny

Easily send emails from Mojolicious applications

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-03-29T09:02:38-05:00

  • First public release

Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities

Changes for 20240401.002 - 2024-04-01T12:27:17Z

  • Fix some incorrect data in CPANSA-HTTP-Body-2013-4407 (CVE report is wrong). From Stig in briandfoy/cpan-security-advisory#150 .

Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities

Changes for 20240401.001 - 2024-04-01T11:50:11Z

  • data update for 2024-04-01
  • fix data issue for Mojolicious report (briandfoy/cpan-security-advisory#149) (Timothy Legge)

cat-v command implementation

Changes for 0.9901 - 2024-04-01T10:20:20Z

  • organized docs directory

PDF DateTime Parser and Formatter.

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-04-01T11:22:08+02:00

  • First version.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0042 - 2024-03-31T20:12:33Z

  • Fix eg/ and Module.yaml.

Libdeflate compression library

Changes for 0.08_01 - 2024-04-01

  • Try to do something about version mistakes

Schemas related to filesystem path

Changes for 0.031 - 2024-02-16

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-Path following rename of Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} (for visual clarity and consistency with naming of other bundles).

Very configurable Markdown processor written in pure Perl, supporting the CommonMark spec and many extensions

Changes for 1.00 - 2024-03-31

  • Initial release with full support for the CommonMark spec, the GitHub Flavored Markdown extentions, and partial support for original Markdown syntax.

Amazon Links and Buttons - Perl Hacks submitted by /u/davorg
[link] [comments]

Shamelessly copied Tk::Tree widget

Changes for 0.02

  • Configured Left and Right key to open and close branches. Corrected documentation.

Tied objects

Changes for 0.20 - 2024-03-30

  • Adds clear_meta and set_meta on Rope so that you can manipulate an Objects meta definition
  • Extends CONFIGURE PROPERTIES with predicates and clearers

create diffs between HTTP requests

Changes for 0.07 - 2024-03-30

  • Switch tests from YAML to YAML::PP This is mainly to avoid YAML::Syck being loaded, which can't handle some of our YAML (?!)

This isn't directly perl-related, but it's a good reminder that as the bus-factor of our projects dwindle down to 0, the danger of a dependency attack goes up.

Obligatory XKCD

The story is still unfolding, and I've just been reading it from the HN post

In this case, it appears that the maintainer of xz-utils, who has been maintaining it since 2009 and mentioned online that they don't really have the capacity for it anymore finally had a motivated helper show up to assist with the work 2.5 years ago. That motivated helper now appears to either be a long-con state actor, or a compromised account.

liblzma is used by libsystemd. Redhat and Debian patch ssh to use libsystemd. The startup code of libxz detects when it is loaded into sshd during initialization and replaces a core auth function of sshd with its own copy. The malicious code comes from compressed compiled code within one of the libxz unit test files that gets sneakily injected into the build during the ./configure script. The person who discovered it only found it due to valgrind errors and a slower startup time for ssh, which are mistakes a more sophisticated attacker might not have made.

Oh, and of course the question on everyone's mind, you're probably not affected yet because the latest liblzma is only used in pre-release distros right now. But check if you have xz 5.6 or later. However, the author has been contributing to xz for 2.5 years so who knows if this is the first attack or not...

submitted by /u/nrdvana
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Libdeflate compression library

Changes for 0.08 - 2024-03-30

  • Check compiler when installing and exit if version is too low
  • Include a missing file

Sah schemas related to ArrayData

Changes for 0.005 - 2024-02-16

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-ArrayData following rename of Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} (for visual clarity and consistency with naming of other bundles).

Interface to the Qhull convex hull, Delauny triangulation, Voronoi diagram software suite

Changes for 0.06 - 2024-03-29T17:56:08-04:00


automate the Chrome browser

Changes for 0.73 - 2024-03-29

  • Tests should not hang when run as root now
  • Sandbox is automatically disabled when running as root

Multi column file system explorer

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-03-01T10:42:59Z

  • original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -X Tk::FileBrowser

Hi all,

I have most difficulties to make my LWP::UserAgent to use TLS 1.2/1.3

I tried :

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent( 'ssl_opts' => { SSL_version => 'TLSv12:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1:!TLSv11', } );

but no success .....

also tried :


perl v5.32 is not that old, I am very surprised I can't establish connecting to TLS 1.2/1.3 server

Is it a known problem with openSSL version used to compile v5.32 ? if so, can I upgrade the SSL libs only ? or is there an option to pass on to force TLS 1.2/1.3 ?

Windows 10 - strawberry v5.32.1 MSWin32-x64-multi-thread

Thank you very much !

submitted by /u/lowpowerdesign
[link] [comments]

Read environment variables from .env file

Changes for 0.012 - 2024-03-29T18:05:10+02:00

  • Fix lib and test code to use Cwd::abs_path with File::Spec->catdir|catfile.

Class for conversion between percent number to star visualization

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-29T16:01:21+01:00

  • Add missing dot in doc.
  • Improve doc for constructor.
  • Move bugtracker to Github.
  • Move valid tests to top.
  • Rewrite check of error to Mo::utils.