CGI class for handling browser file uploads
Changes for 1.13
- Add link to the git repository and to the GitHub issues.
CGI class for handling browser file uploads
Changes for 1.12
- Force scalar context of CGI::param to avoid possible vulnerability.
- Moved to GitHub
- Switch to use MANIFEST.SKIP
a small gemini client
Changes for 0.06 - 2023-05-29
- Break the verify_ssl callback interface; the certificate notBefore date is now also passed. With 'tofu' set no hostname verification is done.
Virtual hosts with multiple accounts on a single server - Not just a #Fediverse server, but a #multi tenant #Django based Fediverse solution!
#tallship #Takahe #ActivityPub #FOSS
SAS expanders doing weird things. might finally have things repaired now I just need the scrub to go for a while and see that the disks don't disconnect the way that they were before.
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