Perl extension for generating XML
Changes for 1.10
- Significant Updates since 1.09
Event emitter role
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-04-16
- Fix synopsis No code changes, no need to upgrade
Event emitter role
Changes for 0.01 - 2018-12-31
- Released on an unsuspecting world
An Acmeist Lisp for Perl
Changes for 0.1.2
- Major refactoring of Perl modules
- Remove a 'find' option not supported on Mac
- Adjust PATH for plenv paths
- Fixes and testing for fizzbuzz.ly
- Add list* to core
- Rename class module names to be more like Clojure's
- Improve ReadLine to handle classes and namespaces
- Add lingy.lang.Class object support
- Support keywords and vectors as functions
- Add Character and Thread/sleep support
Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
Changes for 5.20230416
- Change: c8ff0c48b031dcc2704e3545c698e2c53e69b8a4 Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk> Date : 2023-04-16 18:24:13 +0000
Virtual hosts with multiple accounts on a single server - Not just a #Fediverse server, but a #multi tenant #Django based Fediverse solution!
#tallship #Takahe #ActivityPub #FOSS
SAS expanders doing weird things. might finally have things repaired now I just need the scrub to go for a while and see that the disks don't disconnect the way that they were before.
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Six days later...
I used to get the impression many project developers would support Mastodon API foremost but now I'm inclined to see more projects implement ActivityPub C2S first and then everything else..
Bradley D. Thornton reshared this.