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Implements default import method for modules

Changes for 5.77
  • Document non-inheriting as default mechanism
  • Make Exporter strict and warnings compliant


high-performance, selector-based, content-aware HTML template engine

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-01-23
  • implement full selector combinators (A B, A > B, A ~ B, A + B)
  • support <![CDATA[...]]> sections inside <math> and <svg>


FunctionalPerl - functional programming in Perl

Changes for 0.72.72
  • Repl: add :S mode with Perl::Tidy
  • Struct: allow to export constructors via _END_
  • Struct: add all_field_names
  • Struct: add ":defaults" base class feature
  • Struct: display FP::Failure values from predicates
  • List: add cartesian_product, nonempty_list_of, improper_map, improper_filtermap, filtermap, improper_last, list_merge
  • Array,Array/Mixin: add filtermap, merge
  • List,Stream: add split
  • HashSet: add hashset, is_hashset, is_uhashset, hashset_values, hashset_map, hashset_filter, hash_to_...function
  • Hash: add hash_map, hash_filter, hash_key_filter, hash_value_filter
  • Abstract/Sequence: add hashset, uhashset
  • Predicates: add is_path_string, is_path_segment_string, sequence_of
  • Create FP::Cmp, move cmp_complement to it, add cmp_then
  • xperlfunc: add maybe_getfile_utf8, improve spawn
  • xopen: add stdin, stdout, stderr
  • Htmlparse: handle XML namespaces (hack)
  • Text/CSV: various improvements
  • various fixes
  • unfinished: Chj:🤐perlfunc:🤐localtime: add iso_week_number + more


Validate data against a schema

Changes for 0.562 - 2023-01-22T00:49:07Z
  • bump a test prereq to fix a mismatched exception message


A minimal DB schema patch manager

Changes for 0.110
  • Updated packaging
  • Correct application of PerlIO layers in constructor


Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs

Changes for 5.20230120
  • Change: 9a8ef1e706cdc3a4577c6671ee60075a3fa9425b Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <> Date : 2023-01-20 15:34:09 +0000


Manipulate the position of a note in a scale

Changes for 0.0705 - 2023-01-20T00:05:31Z
  • Add the eg/tonnetz program.
  • Improve documentation.
  • Improve tests.


Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) API version 1 client library

Changes for 0.007001 - 2023-01-20T08:24:02+01:00
  • fix api.t when FMC environment variables aren't set


A Foreign Function Interface eXtension

Changes for 0.09_06 - 2023-01-20T05:35:31Z
  • Struct[] may now contain a code reference
  • CodeRef, Any, etc. are now properly handled as aggregates


Run a subprocess and read/write to it

Changes for 1.03 - 2023-01-20T14:19:44Z
  • Add support for manually closing the PTY slave
  • Add support for "pipe" shortcut for driver()


Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET.

Changes for 2.080 - 2023-01-18
  • move certs into t/ so that distributions like CentOS don't install the test certificates as part of the documentation any longer.

P.S. One last thing - try not to worry about what bacula does if your
clock somehow goes wrong and decides that it is 2037. Or 1970. Or last
week. 😀
- Graham Keeling

(Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 17:41:42 +0000)

tallship reshared this.

The creator of DOS

"IBM wanted CP/M prompts. It made me throw up."

— Tim Paterson


A simple module to parse FASTA and FASTQ files, supporting compressed files and paired-ends.

Changes for 1.10.0 - 2023-01-13
  • `new()` FASTX::Reader method now supports a named parameter instantiation, e.g. `FASTX::Reader->new(-file => 'file.fastq')`
  • `new()` FASTX::Seq method now supports a named parameter instantiation, e.g. `FASTX::Seq->new(-seq => 'CACCA')`
  • Added `copy()` method to FASTX::Seq
  • Added quality methods to FASTX::Seq:
  • Test updates, minor changes


Run a subprocess and read/write to it

Changes for 1.02 - 2023-01-18T17:58:48Z
  • Fix keeping filehandles open until the whole process has ended


The Ultimate Website Framework

Changes for 1.5 - 2023-01-18
  • Add tuwf->req() method for storing request-local data
  • Add tuwf->captures() as alternative to handler arguments
  • Add support for Max-Age and SameSite properties in resCookie()
  • Add support for JSON:😛P and Cpanel::JSON:😛P
  • Add support for calling dbPage() in scalar context
  • Add "onerror" and "undefbool" built-in validations
  • Add support for subroutine arguments to 'default' validation option
  • Add TUWF::Validate::Interop::elm_decoder() (undocumented)
  • Add support for undef and concat attributes in TUWF:🤐ML
  • Add TUWF:🤐ML:🤐ml_string() function
  • Add summary tag to TUWF:🤐ML
  • Add "db_connect" hook
  • Add "fastcgi_max_requests" setting
  • Add support for graceful process shutdown in FastCGI mode
  • Add support for output compression for resJSON, resFile and resBinary
  • Fix handling recursion from the log_format subroutine
  • Fix encoding of HTTP response headers
  • Fix calling error_404_handler before the "after" hooks.
  • Fix handling of SIGCHLD when using the builtin HTTP server
  • Fix logging during startup
  • Fix input modification on TUWF::Validate with unknown=>"reject" hashes
  • Fix handling of HTTP DELETE requests
  • Fix handling for HTTP 204 responses
  • Remove error on resFile() path traversal, just return a 404 instead
  • Disallow IP address hosts as part of email validation
  • Use Perl built-in utf8 functions instead of Encode module


provides baptise, a drop-in replacement for bless; like if bless created accessors for you. This module also provides additional methods built using h2o or o2h from Util::H2O that allow for the incremental addition of OOP into existing or small scale Perl code without having to fully commit to a Perl OOP framework or compromise one's personal Perl style.

Changes for 0.2.4
  • changed ini2o to ini2h2o, o2ini to h2o2ini to make the naming more consistent with already existing helper apps, like opt2h2o (sorry if this causes anyone problems; I don't assume many people use this too heavily atm).


Diff the text of two PDF documents

Changes for 0.005 - 2022-10-07
  • Allow disabling fmt using --no-pdf-fmt.
  • Add missing dependency to CLI::Meta::diff.


Raku environment manager

Changes for 33
  • Fix `moar-blead` command. Moar didn't change branch names.


Provides Moose-like method modifiers

Changes for 2.14 - 2023-01-16T21:26:04Z
  • remove Test::Fatal and Test::Needs from test prereqs (PRs #7, #8, Graham Knop)
#7 #8


Monitor the OpenVZ user_beancounters file

Changes for 0.05 - 2023-01-16
  • Merged development version to stable.

I was asked to Interview at #JPL once for an immediate need contract to address some infrastucture issues back in the NT 4.0 days.

The interview itself went well between me and three staff members, and at the end they gave me a quick tour of the facilities and team members I would be managing.

I figured I would be receiving a call and offer letter in the next day or two, but before I left, they led me to a room with some workstations and asked me to take a test.

I declined.

Less than a month later, two of those interviewers in the group were among the students attending a Core Technologies class I was teaching in the #MCSE program.

"When you boil the water, you really should just make the damn coffee."
  • me -
#tallship #interviews #testing #certifications You no can haz #Cheezburgerz! 🍔 #nimrods


reshared this