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Virtual hosts with multiple accounts on a single server - Not just a #Fediverse server, but a #multi tenant #Django based Fediverse solution!

#tallship #Takahe #ActivityPub #FOSS


takahē - A new Fediverse paradigm

takahē – A new Fediverse paradigm

Fresh out of the oven is #Takahē, introducing a very interesting basic functional motive for development and delivering a beautiful #UX. It also derives inspiration in the form of its #mascott from a species once thought extinct for about a century.

That is, until a single man obsessed with the saga of this large, flightness bird since his early childhood, endlessly sought out and eventually rediscovered it was actually extant 75 years ago through his tireless efforts.

In recent years, and not without some particularly problematic attempts in the management of this #endangered_species, the population of these magnificent birds has more or less stabilized at around 100 members living in the wild, thanks to the committed efforts of a government sponsored #refoliation, hatching, and rearing program; in conjunction with a comprehensive scientific tagging, tracking, and monitoring effort of those members released into the wild alongside the wild-born members of the #population.

The software project itself has struck me as rather special too, and not just for its two functionally unique characteristics amongst other #Fediverse platforms – first, and similar to name based #SSL hosting on #HTTP servers with #SNI, Takahē provides multi-domain virtual hosting capabilities to #ActivityPubthis is huge, and opens the door for for even the casusl home self-hoster to provide #turnkey #SaaS offerings to their friends and family members in the form of small and #single_user “virtual Fediverse server instances”, in consumer based home #LAN environments – let alone the potential for commercial hosting endeavors.

To my knowledge, *this is the very first time* this novel approach to Fediverse networking over ActivityPub has been broached.

If you hurry, you might still be able to secure for yourself an account in their limited beta program.

Go ahead, you can do that now, I'll still be here when you get back 😎

And as if that alone were not enough to revolutionize the paradigm and dynamic of the Fediverse, Takahē also introduces multiple account (alt) identities for each user user account on the server. This can only be described as freaking groundbreaking!

A single user account for a person might be the base for say, both @userone@SLD01.TLD01 AND @userone@SLD02 .TLD02 AND @usertwo@SLD02 .TLD02 – that, at least to me, can only be described as, “The Bees Knees”.

I'm sure that many will cite, and of course it is not only possible but quite likely, that this will lower the bar for abusive actors to engage in shenanigans. However true as that may be, such potential (and existing practice) exists already within the Fediverse so the ease with which bad actors will avail themselves of such toolings only is only trivially simplified, not introduced; besides, complaining about such a thing is irrelevant – the cat is already out of the bag.

Indeed, there are already other Fediverse server platforms (such as the Hubzilla (ZOT) and Misskey families of forks and variants that already support the creation and management of multiple identities under a single account anyway – but Bringing the SNI shared hosting experience into production with a single Fediverse server instance is truly unprecedented in Fediverse space.

There's a lot more. Did I mention the beautiful, and exceedingly intuitive UI? Of course I did!

There's another corollary that I alluded to. Did you miss it? It was right there, before your eyes.

Yes, there's a metaphor, craftily scripted between the lines of everything you just read (that is, if you didn't tl;dr).

The impetus for much of #decentralization (DeSoc) and the #Genesis of the Fediverse is arguably the notion of what was indeed a #decentralized #WorldWideWeb over the fully decentralized #Internet, having falling victim to capture by special interests – the #deprecated, #proprietary, #privacydisrespecting and #legacy #monolithicsilos – owned, spawned, and managed by mega surveillance-capitalism #data_mining corporations.... IOW, the so-called, Sunnyvale Syndrome.

This effectively killed of much of the notion that there even still existed an independant, #distributednetwork of services and sites truly belonging to the #individualparticipants, i.e., average #schmoes like you and me.

For sometime now, many have even claimed and argued that the kinder, friendlier #web of days gone by, where small #communities of #people and #websites belonging to #individuals and small businesses were actually #extinct in reality – with only those well heeled analytically correct, SEO optimized, #subjugated websites and #chattel in the form of people that had sworn #fealty to their lords and masters remaining. #Apple, #Amazon, the #Google and #Faceplant having long since taken #possession of their souls and #identities.

It's dark, so incredibly dark. And you have awakened to find yourself at the bottom of a well that you apparently have fallen into. There's plenty of water, you're knee deep in it, and a voice from above booms aloud that food will be delivered so long as, “It puts the lotion on its skin!”

And in a manner of speaking, following an “Internet century” (think, 'dog years') of a #dystopian #feudal Institution where Homo sapien drones existing in #LordsandVassals lockstep, told what to think, how to believe, where to shit, and when to wake up and punch the time clock, had completely replaced the actually extinct human race... Well?...

Fast forwarding to the scene where...

Some awkward little child in a dimly candlelit bedroom, many children, truth be told, consumed with the dreams of, and empowered with an obsessive belief that, a world where real, unique and independently diverse human beings actually existed, grew up and many years later rediscovered that they really did still walk the earth.

Kinda like the true story of the Takahē. And we too, are beautiful.

I'm leaving the rest for you to discover for yourselves, and look forward to many discussions on this invigorating topic. In the meantime, you can follow:

I can be reached on Matrix at:

via XMPP at:

and in the Fediverse at:@[url=/@/][/url]

I hope that helps! Enjoy!

#tallship #FOSS #virtualhosting #multipleidentity #DeSoc #SunnyvaleSyndrome #AOLEffect



Perl package to add one_shot method to Net::MQTT::Simple

Changes for 0.02 - 2023-03-21
  • Added process time to return object
  • Added requires Time::HiRes
  • Skipped Net::MQTT::Simple import
  • Cleaned up code


CLI front-end for the complete_*() functions from Complete::* modules

Changes for 0.152 - 2023-01-19
  • Add CLI: complete-from-schema.

SAS expanders doing weird things. might finally have things repaired now I just need the scrub to go for a while and see that the disks don't disconnect the way that they were before.

Bradley D. Thornton reshared this.




search for URLs in plain text

Changes for 0.06 - 2023-03-20
  • drop support for ftp: and ftps: URLs because current browsers don't speak FTP anymore
  • switch from Test::More to Test2::V0
  • switch to a version number that's less crazy


Perl extension for stripping HTML markup from text.

Changes for 2.12
  • update META.yml to version 2 spec (patch contributed by Boyd Duffee)
  • fixes test failure in t/420_pod_coverage.t with Test:😛od::Coverage installed


An interface to ElasticSearch API, version independent

Changes for 2.5.1 - 2023-03-20T18:30:00+02:00
  • The connect method deleted. Its functionality merged to the new()
  • POD edit


translation support module for greple

Changes for 0.18 - 2023-03-19T11:20:45Z
  • introduce -R option
  • make debug message concise


high-performance, selector-based, content-aware HTML template engine

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-03-19
  • reduce dependencies by switching to 'feature' (i.e. 'no feature "indirect"') instead of 'indirect' and Test2 instead of Test::More, Test::Builder, Test::Fatal
  • extend basic benchmark to cover Mojo::Template, Text:🤐slate, HTML::Template, and HTML::Template:😛ro
  • include benchmark files in the distribution
  • add example to documentation for autogenerating script hashes from template files for CSP
  • extend test suite to cover more of HTML::Blitz::Builder, rule conflicts, and HTML syntax corner cases


System Calls for File IO, User, Process, Signal, Socket

Changes for 0.45 - 2022-06-21
  • Internal Compatible Changes


parallel processing using pipe(2) for communication and synchronization

Changes for 0.200 - 2023-03-18T10:15:49Z
  • Introduce "tick" functionality (#7)
  • Rename internal packages (eg: Parallel:😛ipe::Here -> Parallel:😛ipes::Here)


Sah schemas related to WordList

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-01-19
  • [ux][schema perl::wordlist::modname_with_optional_args] Add completion for arguments.


open, read and seek into remote files and directories transparently

Changes for 1.11 - 2023-03-17
  • fixed bad upload


compare perl data structures

Changes for 1.28 - 2023-03-14


An linux crypt encoder for Crypt:😛assphrase

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-03-14T23:47:48+01:00
  • Correctly encode salt in hash_password
  • Accept legacy crypt values
  • Correctly mark non-matching hashes as needing rehash


A module for managing passwords in a cryptographically agile manner

Changes for 0.010 - 2023-03-14T23:04:53+01:00
  • Add @CARP_NOT handler to import
  • More gracefully handle undefined passwords
  • Depreciate curry_with_password


Compares the passed string against common patterns and returns a format to use with Time:😛iece or object

Changes for 0.0.3 - 2023-03-14
  • -minor doc tweaks


Extensible Perl internet server

Changes for 2.014
  • Apply patch to Fork for UDP
  • Fix tests on perls without threads


Bindings for librtmidi - Realtime MIDI library

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-02-00
  • MIDI::Event encoded/decoded messages now include channel (breaking change!)
  • Added support for RtMidi v5
  • Enabled limited SysEx support in MIDI::Event encoded/decoded messages
  • Fixed some data handling issues in callback messages
  • Using FFI:😛latypus API v2
  • Removed runtime dependency on Alien::RtMidi


Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.

Changes for 2.07 - 2023-03-14T06:59:09Z
  • Production release identical to 2.06_01


Perl extension for stripping HTML markup from text.

Changes for 2.11
  • fix public VSC info for MetaCPAN (RT#115740)
  • add option to emit newlines for <br> and <p> tags (patch by Ryan Schmidt, contributed by Jason McIntosh)
  • installation / complilation bug on macOS (RT#134342) (patch contributed by Lucas Kanashiro)
  • spelling correction (RT#115740) (patch contributed by Florian Weimer)
  • improved C99 compatibility with utf8_char_width prototype (RT#146734) (contributed by Gabor Szabo)
  • htmlstrip command-line tool


Bitcoin Core JSON RPC Client

Changes for 0.12
  • 'die' when invalid JSON is returned from RPC service (GH#4)
  • Updated documentation


Find and verify functionality of the gnuplot executable.

Changes for 1.041 - 2023-03-12
  • Minimum Alien::Build for Build::Copy plugin is Alien::Build v2.19. Thanks to Andreas K. Hüttel (akhuettel++) for the bug report. GH#11.


Let's Encrypt (and other ACME-based) API interfacing module and client.

Changes for 0.39
  • EAB (External Account Binding) support used by some CAs.
  • Asynchronous order finalization support.
  • Server-indicated retry intervals support.
  • Direct support of known ACME-compatible CAs via 'ca' parameter.
  • Minor fixes and documentation updates.


Validate data against a schema

Changes for 0.565 - 2023-03-12T21:19:27Z
  • traverse and evaluate callbacks can now produce errors, which are incorporated into the overall evaluation results
  • fix bad handling of empty patterns in "pattern", "patternProperties" keywords


Yet Another Templating system for Perl

Changes for 1.64 - 2023-03-12T19:10:56Z
  • Complete implementation for option "missing" in traverse()
  • Add option "undef" in traverse()
  • Add tests for the two above