regular expressions for legal licenses
Changes for v3.10.1 - 2023-04-02
- Bug Fixes
provide the most appropriate HTTP client with a Future API
Changes for 0.15 - 2023-04-02
- AnyEvent backend fixes, don't lose an intermediate Future anymore
- Switch from Test::More::isn't() to Test::More::isnt()
Create a Perl module directory from your own templates
Changes for 2.002 - 2023-04-02T03:44:20Z
- Silence a warning about @_ and signatures for v5.36
Re-creates Excel (.xlsx) files from a template. Excel content can be appended using Excel::Writer::XLSX.
Changes for v1.1.3
- Fixed t/06-cell.t to check _col_info instead of _col_sizes for column width changes
A namespace for modules which deal with numbers.
Changes for 0.09 - 2023-04-01T21:14:51-04:00
Virtual hosts with multiple accounts on a single server - Not just a #Fediverse server, but a #multi tenant #Django based Fediverse solution!
#tallship #Takahe #ActivityPub #FOSS
Bradley D. Thornton likes this.
Bradley D. Thornton reshared this.
Six days later...
I used to get the impression many project developers would support Mastodon API foremost but now I'm inclined to see more projects implement ActivityPub C2S first and then everything else..
Bradley D. Thornton reshared this.