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I want to install tarball of perl 5.38.0 with wget, but it just freezes. Is there other mirrors other than ?

Or i just doing something wrong. I am in Russia (I even tryed different proxies - dont help)

submitted by /u/braam76
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In the spirit of shiny containers gathered neatly under the festive tree, I spent some time using Podman to make a rootless "dockerfile" that contains ALL THE Perl REPLs... as well as a few other useful bits and Object::Pad so people can see how cool the Class/Role syntax is.

Here is the container. Yes, it's big, you will need broadband. ^_^…

I recommend Podman, but with Docker/Podman, pull the image and give it a try. I tried to make this a "easy"... I'm sure it will download and run faster on your PC than it builds on mine! You could do something like:

Run Devel::REPL... $ use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; $ use Object::Pad; $ my @aNumbers = map { $_ } 100..999; $ role rVox { > method doMsg ($inMsg) { say $inMsg; } > } $ class cTEST { > apply rVox; > } $ my $oT=cTEST->new; $ $oT->doMsg(__LINE__. " hello from a REPL!"); 6 hello from a REPL! 

The container is based on Debian:Slim (slim, ahem), so let's recognise up front that compared to Alpine Linux, Debian:Slim is a whale! And Devel::REPL in particular depends on a herd of Moose...

This is a learning image, those keen for cloud deployment will not want this to run up their cloud bills.

Here are some of the previous discussions about Perl and containers:………

Merry Containering, Perling, and REPLing!

submitted by /u/singe
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The Perl Data Language (PDL) has its own Advent Calendar apart from the Perl Advent Calendar.

PDL Advent site (calendar view)

RSS feed

submitted by /u/briandfoy
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There are a lot of ::Tiny distributions on CPAN that implement the most needed features of whatever (e.g. YAML::Tiny and Module::Build::Tiny) in much smaller and faster to run-time compile modules. It seems that most of the time, accepting the reduced feature set is a good tradeoff for the reduced runtime bloat.

This got me thinking, with how massive CPAN is, containing tons of distributions that implement the same thing in different ways, often resulting in code bloat where Distribution A has dependence B that does Fubar API one way, and Distribution A also has depencency C that doesn't do Fubar API but has a test that needs Dependency D that does Fubar API another way, and so on.

Could we maybe get a "CPAN Tiny" that is a subset of CPAN without all of the massive redundancy bloat? Distributions that go into it can only use Core and/or other "CPAN Tiny" distributions and can not have redundancy. The dependency bloat is major drawback of Perl.

Sometimes to meet one dependency (especially if running tests), well over 20 dependencies with a lot of them having redundant purposes are needed. It's madness. Especially since packagers don't always properly specify runtime dependencies meaning after that big mess is installed, you find you need even more because some dependencies were left out. It's a mess that makes me want to just look for Python solutions.

submitted by /u/AnymooseProphet
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Mo utilities for email.

Changes for 0.02 - 2024-04-26T23:02:53+02:00

  • Add tests for error parameters.
  • Rewrite the tests so that the functional tests are first and then the errors.