In the spirit of shiny containers gathered neatly under the festive tree, I spent some time using Podman to make a rootless "dockerfile" that contains ALL THE Perl REPLs... as well as a few other useful bits and Object::Pad so people can see how cool the Class/Role syntax is.
Here is the container. Yes, it's big, you will need broadband. ^_^…
I recommend Podman, but with Docker/Podman, pull the image and give it a try. I tried to make this a "easy"... I'm sure it will download and run faster on your PC than it builds on mine! You could do something like:
Run Devel::REPL... $ use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; $ use Object::Pad; $ my @aNumbers = map { $_ } 100..999; $ role rVox { > method doMsg ($inMsg) { say $inMsg; } > } $ class cTEST { > apply rVox; > } $ my $oT=cTEST->new; $ $oT->doMsg(__LINE__. " hello from a REPL!"); 6 hello from a REPL!
The container is based on Debian:Slim (slim, ahem), so let's recognise up front that compared to Alpine Linux, Debian:Slim is a whale! And Devel::REPL in particular depends on a herd of Moose...
This is a learning image, those keen for cloud deployment will not want this to run up their cloud bills.
Here are some of the previous discussions about Perl and containers:………
Merry Containering, Perling, and REPLing!
submitted by /u/singe
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