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Items tagged with: 343

A lyrics and chords formatting program

Changes for 6.050 - 2024-02-09

  • !Highlights
  • Customize the tables of content by providing a template. The template is processed as a song before the tables and can be used to set title, subtitle, columns, maybe even an introduction text. Since the template it iself a song, it can be associated with its own config file for unlimited customization.
  • New delegated environment: textblock. The text between start_of_textblock and end_of_textblock is formatted normally, but the result is an image that can be placed anywhere. Several attributes are available to control the appearance of the text, e.g. centered and flush right.
  • Delegate type may now also be 'omit' to omit the content of the section, and 'none' to treat the section a generic.
  • !Functionality
  • (Experimental) Add environment textblock.
  • (Experimental) Add ToC templates.
  • Wrap toc lines.
  • (PDF) Allow strwidth and strheight to return both values at once.
  • (Config) allow delegate types 'none' and 'omit'; remove 'omit' attribute.
  • !Bug fixes
  • Fix issue #265.
  • Fix spread indent with labels.
  • Fix issue #343.
#265 #343