My wife and have a hobby-level online radio station and we use Logitech Media Server as the backend. As part of what we use we're running a plug-in called Spicefly Sugarcube, which interacts with a "brain" called MusicIP. MusicIP allows music suggestions to be called using an API, which is basically what Sugarcube is doing, and it builds a URL with the very last element being "recipe," which is a filter built into MusicIP that helps shape the direction the songs go.
The issue is I'd like to replace the recipe section of this plug in with a fixed array that cycles through to emulate a radio format clock. I realize that by doing this under the hood I lose the functionality of changing the recipes on the fly, but that's okay.
The program is driven by the
file located here:…
I know nothing about Perl so tried to have ChatGPT alter this to replace the recipe section with a fixed array, It returned the upper part of the file this way, with no other changes, and the plug in won't load like this:
#v6.01 - December 2023
#Licencing Requirements Removed
#Released as Open Source under the GNU General Public License v3.0
#In Short Summary
#Complete source code must be made available that includes all changes
#Copyright and license notices must be preserved.
#Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.
package Plugins::SugarCube::Plugin;
# Define the recipe sequence array
u/recipe_sequence = ('5s', '4s', '5s', '5s', '4s', '5s', '4s', '5s', '5s', '4s', '5s', '4s', '5s', '5s', '4s', '5s', '5s', '4s');
my $recipe_index = 0;
# Function to get the next recipe in sequence
sub get_next_recipe {
my $recipe = $recipe_sequence[$recipe_index];
$recipe_index = ($recipe_index + 1) %
u/recipe_sequence; # Loop back to the start
return $recipe;
use base qw(Slim::Plugin::Base);
use strict;
use Slim::Utils::Misc;
use Slim::Utils::Prefs;
use Slim::Utils::Log;
my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory(
'category' => 'plugin.sugarcube',
# 'defaultLevel' => 'WARN',
'defaultLevel' => 'DEBUG',
'description' => getDisplayName(),
So my question is, is this possible, and is the kernel of how to make it work here, or is there a better way to do it? If you look at the original file you'll see how the URL is built, and I really just want the very end of the URL to be &recipe=5s or %recipe=4s depending on the sequence I enter. Any help it appreciated!
submitted by /u/typecrazy789
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