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I am writing an Alien file to install the pipx package manager in a somewhat portable way (the package manager can be installed in as many different ways, as the number of operating systems out there ) , and I was wondering if there is a better way to do so than the following hack

use alienfile; use strict; use warnings; ## dummy probe for a system install probe sub { 'system'; }; ## check that pipx is actually installed my $has_pipx; my $cmd = `pipx --version`; chomp $cmd; $has_pipx = $cmd =~/[0..9\.]+/ ; unless($has_pipx) { ## OS specific install instructions } 1; 

The reason I'd like to do it via Alien is because I am writing an application with numerous external dependencies, some of which can be installed by downloading and building C/Rust/C++ apps from source, but others are (vomit) python modules and I would like to use a consistent way to handle non-perl dependencies.

submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
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