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interpolate Data:😁umper output into strings for human consumption

Changes for 6.000

  • 2. Shortcut function/method names can now include 'r' to imply Refaddr(1) and any number to imply Maxdepth(number).
  • 3. Shortcut functions/methods are now auto-generated using a naming convention: "Modifier" characters are glued onto one of the 5 basic method names (ivis, dvis, vis, avis, or hvis) in any order with optional underscore separators. For example using 'viso' or 'ovis' or 'vis_o' will generate code to call 'vis' with option Objects(0) to show object internals. Another example is dvisr3, dvis3r, dvis_r_3, etc. which calls 'dvis' configured to show the abbreviated addresses of any refs in interpolated variables, and to show at most 3 levels of structured data.
  • 4. The names 'alvis' and 'hlvis' are deprecated but still supported as special cases. Please use avisl, etc. instead (i.e. place the modifier 'l' before or after the basic method name).