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An SVG parser

Changes for 1.11 - 2023-07-13T15:05:56Z

  • Fix version number in It was still 1.09 after the release of 1.10. It is now 1.11. Oops.
  • In Makefile.PL add Unicode::UTF8 for use by Path::Tiny.spew_utf8(). The Unicode module is not mandatory but significantly speeds up raw output.
  • In t/, change call to Path::Tiny -> spew() to spew_utf8(). The reason for this is that the test code writes the outputs of scripts/ to text files and then compares them with files shipped with the module. But on MS Windows outputs have CRLF line-endings while shipped files are created under Debian, and have LF line-endings. This problem was reported by the now famous Gregor Herrmann who risked life and limb running tests under MS Windows (shudder). Thanx!
  • Capture the output of, using data/utf8.01.svg as input, as data/utf8.01.log written with spew_utf8() so it matches during end-user tests.
  • And yes, check all tests still pass under Debian.