A lyrics and chords formatting program
Changes for 6.040 - 2023-12-26
- !Highlights
- Images can be [placed everywhere](chordpro.org/chordpro/directiv…). They can be placed relative to the paper, the page, the column, and the lyrics.
- Images can be [embedded[(chordpro.org/chordpro/directiv…) in text (lyrics) lines, either as part of the text similar to a glyph, or somewhere else on the page relative to a particular place in the text. The latter is most interesting for annotations.
- Delegates are images too. Annotate your lyrics with SVG images, or with musical notes using ABC or Lilypond.
- Chord and keyboard diagrams are images too. And you can use string and keyboard diagrams simultaneously.
- Resources like configs, tasks and images are now more logically searched using [resource libraries](chordpro.org/chordpro/resource…).
- !ChordPro functionality
- Rework paths handling for consistent resource handling; eliminate App::Packager.
- Inline images.
- {image} can have label and align properties.
- {define}d chords overrules suppress list.
- (ABC) Use QuickJS XS (JavaScript::QuickJS) as preferred.
- (ABC) ABC embedding no longer uses nodeJS (npx).
- (ABC) Make split work (and enable by default).
- (ABC) Images are left aligned by default.
- (Lilypond) Images are left aligned by default.
- Improve runtime info.
- Suppress songs that do not have content.
- Suppress table of content entry for a song w/ {ns toc=no}.
- (PDF) Image scale strategy change for spread images.
- (PDF/Writer) Add generalized add_object for objects and images.
- (PDF) Prevent case problems when looking up fonts for SVG.
- (PDF) Add aliases for web standard fonts like serif, sans, ...
- (PDF) Ignore leading empty and ignores (was: leading empty only).
- (Windows) ChordPro now installs as a 64-bit application in \Program Files instead of \Program Files (x86). You are adsvised to remove the old 32bits install first.
- !Bug fixes
- Prevent warning when parsing {key} and trancode to nashville/roman.
- Fix chord inversion (issue 321).
- Fix comment lines disturbing a consecutive series of {chord}s.
- Fix typo in Wx Preferencesdialog, causing it to crash.
- Fix problem with PDF/SVG caching fonts.
- Fix comment labels for delegates (issue 329.3).
- (Wx) Filter configs on prp ans json.
- Fix memorize/recall/transpose issue 333.
- Fix issue 334.
- !Internal
- (ABC) ABC embedding use tohtml instead of toxhtml.
- (PDF) Enhance assets (wip), labels; move grid to separate module.
- Experimental ##include facility.