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Universally Unique Identifier library for Perl

Changes for 0.33 - 2024-03-16T07:34:19Z

  • Removed most bundled e2fsprogs UUID code.
  • Added :mac=random/unique to hide real MAC.
  • Fixed finding mac address on native Win32 builds.
  • Added version 6 and 7 UUIDs.
  • Switched to ChaCha20 as RNG salted with Xoshiro256++.
  • Added uuid1(), uuid4() to return strings directly.
  • Added generate_v1() and generate_v4() for binaries.
  • Fixed duplicate Win32 random UUIDs when > 1K/sec.
  • Fixed Win32 v1 throttling when > 10K/sec.
  • Fixed duplicate v1 UUIDs everywhere when > 10M/sec.
  • Exposed persistent state function.
  • Added :persist to make state path configurable.
  • Fixed possible symlink attack on persistent file.
  • Added generate_v0() and uuid0() to generate null UUIDs.
  • Added benchmarks in tests. > make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 TEST_FILES=t/9benchmark/*.t
  • Added benchmark comparing version speeds, calling styles, and persitence. > make compare
  • Now believed to be thread safe.