A module that performs semantic similarity in PXF/BFF data structures and beyond (JSON|YAML)
Changes for 0.04 - 2023-11-26T00:00:00Z
- Added List::MoreUtils to cpanfile and Makefile.PL
- Added error when --include-terms does not exist in cohort(s)
- Added t/die.t for the above condition (+others)
- Refactored code in .t and .pm to enhance readability and maintainability
- Spiced up die/warn messages with bold-colored text
- Added utils/barcode to deal with QR codes (+Dockerfile and t)
- csv2pheno-ranker now accepts .tsv (sep \t)
- Turned on legend on share/r/mds_color.R
- Fixed stringification of weights (read from YAML) on JSON export
- Added flag --similarity-metric-cohort
- Added terms <procedures, exposures> to bff-pxf-simulator