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my $MAX_PROCESSES=10; my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($MAX_PROCESSES); while (1) { my $pid=$pm->start and next; print "$$ LOCK \n"; $pm->finish; } $pm->wait_all_children; 

I made this sample piece of code which I basically took from the docs, I only changed to infinite loop but I cannot understand why this would make any different between an infinite loop and iterating through an array for example? Anyway I am fighting this for several hours now trying different versions of my code and cannot find why am I getting "Cannot start another process while you are in the child process" all the time, any hints appreciated

output looks basically like this

Cannot start another process while you are in the child process at .... 16366 LOCK 16367 LOCK 16368 LOCK 16369 LOCK 16370 LOCK 16371 LOCK 16372 LOCK 16373 LOCK 16374 LOCK 16375 LOCK Cannot start another process while you are in the child process at .... 

submitted by /u/Weak_Word221
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