Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
Changes for 1.32 - 2023-07-05
- Ensure $inc gets removed from the start of $File::Find::name
- Provide dedicated test scripts for some tests instead of using the test scripts themselves: Test::More draws in all kinds of stuff, totally unpredictable
- Rewrite test helpers in t/ to use Test::More's subtest feature
- Code cleanup; fix detection of 'do STRING' (cf PR #15)
- sort items in "used by" column
- Handle spaces after quote operator, e.g. eval qq {Some::Module}
- Fixes #12: share dir not returned when require module is in an eval
- Recognize constructs like "eval qq{require Inline::C}".
- Recognize idioms like "if (eval { require Foo }) { ..."
- Add %preload rules for some Mojo resource files
- Bump perl dependency to guard against ancient perls without FindBin::again()
- Add tool to trace when (and from where) Perl searches for a module