Changes for v0.1.1 - 2023-09-26T16:24:10Z
- Improved documentation and added missing documentation in cpanapi
- Implemented paging for cpanapi --favorite --recent
- Corrected function favorite() in cpanapi
- Improved method next() in Net::API::CPAN::List when no query has been set on the URI yet
- Correcting a bug in function changes in cpanapi
- Updated the method package() in Net::API::CPAN to account for the property 'version' in JSON sometimes having a value of 'undef'
- Corrected build/ to change the method bugs in Net::API::CPAN::Distribution
- Updated the function _show_file() in cpanapi
- Updated method release() in Net::API::CPAN for the endpoint /release/all_by_author with the issue of wrong arguments order now resolved