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List of words from a WordList module

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-08-27

  • First release, modified from the old Tables-WordList.

sets of rhythms and various generation functions

Changes for 0.06 - 2023-12-02

  • Add write_tracks() utility call for when the MIDI tracks need to be in distinct files because a DAW otherwise merges them.

Mark Gardner reshared this.

Plugin for Dancer2 web app to send and query jobs in different job schedulers

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-12-02T16:39:43+01:00

a GUI to edit configuration data with Config::Model framework

Changes for 1.378 - 2023-12-02

  • Bug fixes:

comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)

Changes for 2.04 - 2023-12-02

  • Imported tests/fixes from Text::CSV_XS 1.53

Pure Perl module to test Math::BigInt with scalars

Changes for 2.002000 - 2023-12-02

  • Fix bug in Math::BigFloat method bsin(). It can now handle any argument to any precision. Also improve downgrading. This fixes CPAN RT #150590 and the bsin() part of CPAN RT #107604.
  • Fix bug in Math::BigFloat method bexp(). Specifying precision (rather than accuracy) used to give a NaN. Also improve downgrading.
  • Improve upgrading in Math::BigInt methods bsin() and bcos(). They now upgrade only when necessary.

Lightweight TheSchwartz job dispatcher

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-12-02T11:53:04+01:00

  • Initial version

Run JavaScript via QuickJS in Perl

Changes for 0.19

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Enabling std() or os() now creates globals by those names. This matches the “qjs” binary’s behavior.
  • Update to latest quickjs (03cc5ec).

Manage your local CPAN mirror

Changes for 1.072 - 2023-03-28

  • [subcommand deps] Add option --exclude-dep.
  • [ux] Add summaries for namespace completion.
  • [ux] Allow the use of '/' as namespace separator when completing namespace or name in 'lcpan doc'.

YAML-enhanced TAP output for your tests

Changes for 0.0.4

  • Fixed build errors, including fixtures in manifest.

Explicitly state which non-feature constructs are used in the code.

Changes for 1.034 - 2023-11-30

  • Perl 5.38.2 released

YAML-enhanced TAP output for your tests

Changes for 0.0.1

  • Initial version, decoupled from TAP::Formatter::GitHubActions.
  • original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -AX --skip-exporter --use-new-tests -n Test2::Formatter::YAMLEnhancedTAP

Manage database handles safely for long running processes

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-12-01T22:43:40+01:00

  • Fix here docs to work with older Perls
  • Add MooX::Singleton to runtime dependencies

Create temporary test databases and run tests in all available ones

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-12-01T22:37:32+01:00

  • Fix here doc in tests to work with earlier Perls

Create an ad-hoc database which drops itself automatically

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-12-01T22:17:54+01:00

  • Fix literal octal string
  • Fix here doc in tests to work with earlier Perls
  • Add extra dependencies for author tests

a distribution of modules to handle locale codes

Changes for 3.77

  • NEW CODE(s)
  • Changed RELEASE_TESTING variable Now use a release-specific testing variable rather than RELEASE_TESTING. See GitHub #17 for details.

RT-Extension-FormTools Extension

Changes for 1.01 - 2023-12-01

  • Update screenshot image source to use https and limit its width too

Foreign function interface to PROJ coordinate transformation software

Changes for 0.05 - 2023-12-01

  • Add new PJ_COORD struct member accessors. Instead of calling $c->xyz->x(), you can now simply call $c->xyz_x(), which is faster and more likely to remain stable with future updates. The old syntax is now discouraged, but there are currently no plans to remove it.
  • Deprecate creating PJ_COORD union member structs with new(). Unions are not well supported by FFI:😛latypus. For best forward compatibility, creating new PJ_COORD values should only be done by using proj_coords().
  • Internal change: The PJ_COORD implementation is now based on the vector union member. This means the fastest way to access coordinates is now via $c->v(...) instead of $c->xyzt->...

RT-Extension-FormTools Extension

Changes for 1.0 - 2023-12-01

  • Save queue name instead of id for better portability
  • Show a message to indicate there are pending changes to save
  • Correctly show the first page after a page deletion
  • Make sure there is always room to drop new form fields on a page
  • Display an alert when leaving a page with pending changes
  • Label Core Fields separately from Custom Fields in the editor
  • Fix bugs saving hr and textarea elements
  • Name "Next" button to make sure the form has data to submit, avoiding a data truncated error on form POST
  • Fix handling of internal validation arguments
  • Allow customization of alignment of <p> elements
  • Fix bug causing duplicate checkbox IDs when adding new items
  • Allow fields to be marked as hidden (allows form admins to set values that form users can't edit)
  • Fix badge and text alignment in field list
  • Allow client side validation (fields on forms may be required, but not required when creating/editing a ticket)
  • Grant all users the right to see/set custom field values on forms
  • Always enable core CF validations
  • Support dependent fields based on selection of values in select/radio inputs
  • Fix browser-related bugs in selectpicker controls
  • Skip check for required fields when pressing Back button on form
  • Clear CF invalid CF values when pressing Back button
  • Abort in advance if form user lacks rights to create tickets
  • Remove label from content fields
  • Show Required for fields marked required in form
  • Allow checkboxes to be fully clickable
  • Make core and custom fields consistent with other HTML elements
  • Sync page name and tab text on name update
  • Remove duplicate form tag
  • Put Select and Create under one menu (for consistency)
  • Make placeholders appear lighter than other text elements
  • Validate errors in real time
  • Fix HTML element IDs for custom fields
  • On form edit page, show label text next to CF names
  • Rename Save button on modal popups to Update
  • Fix edit link for newly added items
  • Center paragraph content on form pages
  • Create a graphical editor for forms

Object-oriented FFI interface to native stat and lstat

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-12-01T11:34:00Z

  • Passing no arguments to new will now return an uninitialized stat object (gh#9, gh#10)
  • Passing undef to clone will now return a stat object with the memory set to all zeros, previously the behavior was undefined and could crash (gh#10)

A strong bz2/gz/zip/tar/cpio/rpm/deb/cab/lzma/7z/rar/... archive unpacker, based on mime-types

Changes for 1.0

  • Forked File::Unpack to start File::Unpack2.

CallBackery is a Mojolicious+Qoodoo Framework for building Web Applications

Changes for 0.48.1 - 2023-12-01T17:32:03Z

  • use CB_CFG_ as prefix ... this makes more sense than CM_CB

TAP Formatter for GitHub Actions

Changes for 0.3.0_2

  • Cleaned-up output for the happy-path (no output on all ok).

Perl support for AWS Lambda Custom Runtime.

Changes for 0.4.1 - 2023-12-01T14:13:48Z

  • Perl 5.38.2 and 5.36.3 are released

Install the PYX modules.

Changes for 0.10 - 2023-12-01T15:02:20+01:00

  • Add SGML:😛YX 0.02 version.
  • Fix use lib '.' in Makefile.PL.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Update App:😛YX2XML to 0.06 version.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update PYX to 0.10 version.
  • Update PYX::GraphViz to 0.06 version.
  • Update PYX::Hist to 0.08 version.
  • Update PYX::SGML::Raw to 0.05 version.
  • Update PYX::SGML::Tags to 0.10 version.
  • Update PYX::Sort to 0.05 version.
  • Update PYX::Stack to 0.06 version.
  • Update PYX::Utils to 0.07 version.
  • Update PYX:🤐MLNorm to 0.05 version.
  • Update PYX:🤐MLSchema::List to 0.06 version.
  • Update SGML:😛YX to 0.07 version.
  • Update Tags:😮utput:😛YX to 0.05 version.
  • Update author github username.
  • Update author name.
  • Update copyright years.

We are smart, smart for you

Changes for 0.14 - 2023-12-01T12:49:54Z

  • add no_check_rule function (#5 @kfly8++)

Shortest route information via Map::Tube object.

Changes for 0.02 - 2023-12-01T12:50:25+01:00

  • Add constructor tests.
  • Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
  • Fix doc formatting.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Rename example file to better name.
  • Rewrite SEE ALSO section to new style.
  • Rewrite doc to use =head2.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update author github username.
  • Update author name.
  • Update copyright years.
  • Update tests.

useful character properties for Thai regular expressions (regex)

Changes for 1.00

  • original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -XA -b 5.008003 --compat-version=5.8.3 --version=1.00 -n Regexp::CharClasses::Thai

All my modules which I currently use and install on a new perl installation

Changes for 20231201.1 - 2023-12-01

  • No functional changes.
  • Add note.

The Suffit API client library

Changes for 1.02

  • Added the apierr method to main client module

The Suffit core library

Changes for 1.04

  • Patch for the 'spurt' method of Mojo::File. Now see Mojo::File::spew method
  • Added WWW::Suffit::JWT module

Content Addressabe Storage API, and implementations

Changes for 0.08 - 2023-12-01

  • Fix Catalyst::Controller::SimpleCAS adaptor to accept 'simplecas' attribute
  • Standardize on 'cas' attribute for sub-objects:
  • Avoid undef exceptions during global destruction if cas object gets freed before sub-objects.