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Perl debugger using a Tcl/Tk GUI

Changes for 2.4 - 2023-09-24

  • tktreectrl required

Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.

Changes for 2.401 - 2023-12-24

  • Reset HAVING substatement when leaving the aggregate mode.
  • Use String::Substitution in the 'search & replace' input filter.
  • Now it is possible to use captured groups in the replacement part of a 'search & replace'.

YAML-based CMDB provider for Rex with support for roles

Changes for 0.0.1 - 2023-12-24

  • Initial fork from Rex::CMDB::TOML

object class for planar difference sets

Changes for 1.001 - 2023-12-23T08:34:04+01:00

  • improved zeta/theta calculation
  • revised examples suite:
  • - extended pds_info
  • - fixed filter mode of pds_planes
  • - merged random_pds into pds_sample
  • - fixed exit code of pds_verify (++Lukas Mai)
  • added another computing example
  • minor edits in documentation

build full-screen console-style applications

Changes for 0.12 - 2023-12-23


Check whether filenames look like perl module release archive

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-08-27

  • First release.

Extract search strings from more referrers.

Changes for 0.19 - 2023-12-23T23:55:32Z

  • Use URI::host() rather than a regex to get a host name
  • Remove failing test (GH#5) (Olaf Alders) (Reported by Slaven Rezić GH#4)

Create animation from a sequence of images using ffmpeg

Changes for 0.03

  • Duh in packing.

Create animation from a sequence of images using ffmpeg

Changes for 0.02

  • input_patterns() is now accepting regex+modifiers. Added clear_input_images(). Enhanced documentation.

Create animation from a sequence of images using ffmpeg

Changes for 0.01

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

Dist::Zilla Mixed Up

Changes for 0.1.22

  • Don't do any git stuff when skip_tag_check

Dist::Zilla Mixed Up

Changes for 0.1.21

  • Don't tag commit when skip_tag_check set

Program in YAML

Changes for 0.1.0

  • Initial Release
  • Initial code written by @jjatria++

Language Server and Debug Protocol Adapter for Perl

Changes for 2.6.2

  • =over
  • =item * avoid given/when/smartmatch because these features are deprecated in perl 5.38 (#199) [real-dam]
  • =back

a CLI for Data::Gimei

Changes for v0.2.4 - 2023-12-23T12:27:01Z

  • [dev]add modules
  • specify version <5.00 on 'Pod::Text'

Colorize input filenames like ls(1)

Changes for 0.544 - 2023-12-23

  • fix a bug introduced by the $File::LsColor::COLORIZE_PATH variable that manifested itself when the variable was set and no definition to color the file by extension or other means was found.

Find or download and install libmaxminddb

Changes for 1.013 - 2023-11-08T00:01:48Z

  • Download libmaxminddb version 1.8.0

CLI utilities related to Indonesian income tax article 21 ("PPH21")

Changes for 0.040 - 2023-03-30

  • No functional changes.
  • [build] Rebuild with Business::Tax::ID:😛PH21 0.066.

Perl extension for formatting numbers, colorizing output and so on

Changes for 0.0.7 - 2023-12-22T13:59:32Z

  • fix in_tag and add function is_single_tag

Perl extension for formatting numbers, colorizing output and so on

Changes for 0.0.6 - 2023-12-22T13:24:17Z

  • fix in_tag and out_tag: return single tag

BSD utilities written in pure Perl

Changes for 1.042 - 2023-12-22T12:45:27Z

  • All changes from Michael Mikonos unless otherwise noted
  • apply
  • baseb4
  • bc
  • cat
  • cmp
  • chown
  • date
  • diff
  • ed
  • env
  • grep
  • find
  • fmt
  • head
  • hexdump
  • install
  • ls
  • patch
  • pig
  • pr
  • printenv
  • sort
  • tr
  • uniq
  • uudecode
  • uuencode
  • which
  • words

throttle requests with different rates based on net blocks

Changes for v0.7.2 - 2023-12-22T10:00:50+00:00

  • Tests
  • Other
  • Toolchain

SQL DDL transformations and more

Changes for 1.64 - 2023-12-22

  • support EXCLUDE constraints in Postgres (thansk @KES777)
  • Improve enums in the PostgrSQL family (thanks @nrdvana)
  • Add index length options for MySQL (thanks @abeverley)
  • fix spurious on_update/on_delete in diffs (thanks @nrdvana)
  • CI improvements (thanks @eserte)
  • AUTOINCREMENT is now correctly parsed for SQLite (thanks @nrdvana)

A set of utilities for working with collections of data.

Changes for 0.0.8 - 2023-12-22

  • Rename new_object to newObject and serialize to toArray Change toArray and toJson to accept a list of fields to be included Add avg, max, min, splice

System Calls for File IO, Sockets, Time, Process, Signals, Users

Changes for 0.513 - 2023-12-22

  • Incompatible Changes

extensible grep with lexical expression and region handling

Changes for 9.10 - 2023-12-22T02:08:08Z

  • remove --git-color-blame from -Mcolors
  • use Getopt::EX@2.1.6 to deal with the latest Getopt::Long
  • "-Mline" allows line numbers to be specified immediately after
  • make --all option can be cancelled

Perl support for AWS Lambda Custom Runtime.

Changes for 0.4.2 - 2023-12-22T00:18:48Z

  • ca-west-1 is available
  • bump Mozilla::CA 20231213

Various regular-expression schemas

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-09-05

  • Add schema: re_or_code_from_str.

Create temporary test databases and run tests in all available ones

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-12-21T21:33:49+01:00

  • Add explicit dependency to Database::Temp 0.003
  • Adjust indentation of Changes file