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SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989084 - 2023-03-07

  • New Features
  • Incompatible Changes and New Features
  • Incompatible Changes
  • Incompatible Changes and Breaking Binary Compatibility
  • Changes
  • Internal Changes
  • Fix Bug

simple session

Changes for 0.52 - 2024-03-07T04:47:45Z

  • Separate HTTP::Session::Expired & HTTP::Session::Finalized from HTTP::Session to fix PAUSE indexing problem(reported by eserte)

simple session

Changes for 0.51 - 2024-03-07T03:51:20Z

  • Fix regexp in test for cookie expires date format according to changes of v5.48 (ktat)

Provides a Geo-Coding functionality using free databases

Changes for 0.35 - 2024-03-06T20:48:43Z

  • Fix scantext.t when OSM is installed Fix openaddr.t test for not/there Rework the GETTING STARTED section of the POD Trying different databases since the creation of a database in SQLite eats a lot of RAM Added mysql support in createdatabase - TODO add support to Added BUILDMODE to optionally only import from one large database Fix usage message in Added more data cleanup to createdatabase.PL Use Database::Abstraction Rework key - for me saved about 1/3 of the database size

Build and Install the Qhull library

Changes for v8.0.2.2 - 2024-03-06T13:15:09-05:00


Build and Install the CFITSIO library

Changes for v4.4.0.1 - 2024-03-06T12:54:54-05:00


Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses

Changes for 4.63 - 2024-03-01

  • FIX

A Test::Builder based Perl module to ease testing with files and dirs.

Changes for 0.25 - 2024-03-06

  • Archive (container) comparison implemented.
  • Constider specific of some operating systems in unit tests.

Inspect musical modal functions

Changes for 0.0409 - 2024-03-06T06:05:13Z

  • Add the eg/common program.

Module for designing keyboard layouts

Changes for 0.76

  • New key @modkeys_vk (for a hash; remapping of scancode not implemented yet! — NOW IT IS). Emit MODIFIERS section if mods_keys_KBD is non-empty. Emit human-readable descriptions of modifier columns. Almost done: document parts of the syntax of .kbdd file left “TBC” from version 0.13. (A few TBC still remain.) Start documenting yet newer syntax. (Many more TBC appeared…) Document the mutator rules “pseudo-faked-***”. Comment code to handle prefix(NOTSAME(case)?)? in @output_layers. Likewise for the mutator prefix(NOTSAME(case)?)?. Implement the case-variant of the latter one. (Untested.) A bit more clear comment about <reveal-substkey>. Change prefix AltGr to Altern for CharSubstitutions CharSubstitutionFaces CharSubstitutionLayers (old names deprecated). Remove duplicates from the table of scancodes; remove VK_-codes (SHIFT..EXECUTE etc, NUMPADn, DECIMAL) crept in. Produce “fake” scancodes 0xe0e* for NUMPADn/DECIMAL (which on non-exotic keyboards are not assigned scancodes, but are translated from Insert/End/etc. as needed by the kernel). Can MSKLC treat this without breaking? It handles NUMPADn (as good as with other codes - and it does not update E0 map!), but allows DECIMAL only on sc=53. It even REMOVES from the e0-map the ADDED e0nn codes (X5E removed by e05d OEM_AX)! Document this into GOTCHAs. Remap DECIMAL to sc=53. Document kbdutool not giving a way to assign a scancode. Scancodes on VK settings were ignored. Allow the VK settings to define only the scancode. Massive simplifications in the suggested workflow of creating the DLLs. Update LIMITATIONS and Copyright in the docs.
  • izKeys.kbdd: Change “fake” prefixes (for extra layers) to be above 0fff (to free space; add 9000). Change Compose and Compose³ accessors 06e8 → 06fe, 06f0 → 06ff. Change AltGr-arrows accessors 06f4 → 06fa ... 06f7 → 06fd. ONLY 06fa..06ff remain used in the range 06e0..06ff (where we put non-automatic “strange” prefix keys). !!! Different massaging!!! XXX in 00b01 00b03 Remove <any-circled>+<reveal-substkey> which seems to have no effect. Update COPYR_YEARS. Redefine VK-codes of APPS and KANA. (Now no patching is needed with conversion by!)
  • izKeys-visual-maps-base.html Start updating the described bindings.
  • examples/ One of TODO issues got into a root TODO file. MODIFIERS section is processed now. Unhardwire massaging SHIFTSTATE (as for izKeys): now takes into account MODIFIERS (we ignore RMENU for massaging). Code to emit the _extern.h file. Make more readable comments in the emitted file, and include a license info. Produce extra header and C files, and .DEF and .RC files. Support lines in layout with only scancode and VK-code (to force a scancode). Create the table of scancodes matching exactly what is on Type 4 of kbd.h. Fill the value for VK_POWER (from Google search) which is used in the table above for scancode e05e. (But do not they confuse it with the scancode???) (Maybe it is better not to convert it to a scancode???) Support redefinition of scancodes. Ignore fake scancodes (in the range 0xE0E0..0xE0EF) for NUMPADn/DECIMAL. (Untested when X/Y-scancodes need to be added.) Special-case DECIMAL-on-53 too. Autogenerate KBD_l with l in U V W as needed. Option --comment-vkcodes=VK_first,VK_second would comment out emitting the specified VK-codes (with "VK_" omitted). Support empty LAYOUT, DEADKEYS or LIGATURE, KEYNAME, KEYNAME_EXT.
  • Changes One row in the description of v0.60 was garbled.
  • examples/build_here.cmd Remove the parts relying on kbdutool. Use --comment-vkcodes=OEM_8 for the Latin version. Update which files are included into
  • logo-base.html Fix 06f5 ⇝ 06fb etc. due to changes to .kbdd

Tool to sort DWG files by version.

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-03-06T11:01:47+01:00

  • First version.

extensible grep with lexical expression and region handling

Changes for 9.11 - 2024-03-06T08:39:18Z

  • deprecate --conceal option
  • skip some test on perl v5.14 because :lvalue sub does not work somehow

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989083 - 2023-03-05

  • Internal Changes
  • New Features
  • Document Improvement

a really awesome library

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-03-05T15:37:02-05:00

  • First release upon an unsuspecting world.

Subroutine attribute for compile-time method lookups on its typed lexicals.

PAR Packager

Changes for 1.062 - 2024-03-05

  • Fix #84: PAR::Packer packaged scripts lose the ability to parse UTF-8 arguments from the command line
  • pod: explain how REGEX is applied in "--modfilter=FILTER=REGEX"
  • require PAR >= 1.020
  • add new test t/87-xs-cross.t to investigate rschupp/PAR#11
  • move some test modules around and fix up tests accordingly
  • bump version of actions/checkout

Scheduled and one-off asynchronous events

Changes for 1.13 - 2024-03-04

  • Added ability to send in per-callback call parameters via the start() method (closes #10)
  • Add prereq of Test::SharedFork to keep tests in order in t/46
  • Bumped prereq version of IPC::Shareable to 1.13

Convenience assertions for common situations

Changes for 2.4.0 - 2024-03-04T21:54:07Z


General purpose command option wrapper

Changes for v0.99 - 2024-03-05T01:17:51Z

  • Introduce --filter command in -Mutil::argv module.
  • Version 1.0 release candidate.

List of modules for generating random (placeholder) text

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-11-17

  • First release.

Data description and validation

Changes for 1.16

  • new builtin domain 'Struict'
  • new -if_absent parameter
  • bug fix : default value was incorrectly propagated to the next undef field

Subroutine attribute for compile-time method lookups on its typed lexicals.

Build and Install the CFITSIO library

Changes for v4.4.0.0 - 2024-03-04T12:43:10-05:00


Subroutine attribute for compile-time method lookups on its typed lexicals.

Compare text to known pwned passwords list

Changes for 0.02_03 - 2024-03-04

  • No changes from 0.02_02: bump to force reindex only

Subroutine attribute for compile-time method lookups on its typed lexicals.

Gantt charts for your tickets

Changes for 1.08 - 2023-02-02

  • Respect ticket search sort order

Easy to use REPL with existing lexical support and DWIM tab completion.

Changes for 0.14

  • 2024-03-04
  • Using: local $@
  • Some cleanup.

Silverpeak Orchestrator REST API client library

Changes for 0.010000 - 2024-03-04T14:28:16+01:00

  • add get_vrf_zones_map

Silverpeak Orchestrator REST API client library

Changes for 0.009000 - 2024-03-04T13:05:30+01:00

  • add has_segmentation_enabled
  • add get_vrf_security_policies_by_ids
  • add update_vrf_security_policies_by_ids

Data object for navigation item.

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-03-04T12:52:24+01:00

  • First version.

Easy to use REPL with existing lexical support and DWIM tab completion.

Changes for 0.13

  • 2024-03-04 Changed p to d. Currently: p - Data::Printer d - Data::Dumper

Mo utilities.

Changes for 0.23 - 2024-03-04T11:52:32+01:00

  • Add check_number_range().
  • Move error test in tests of check_number() to the end.
  • Rewrite check_angle() to new check_number_range().

Perl Archive Toolkit

Changes for 1.020 - 2024-03-04

  • restructure _extract_inc(): always add XS DLLs in PAR_TEMP/inc to PAR::Heavy::FullCache, ie. even if PAR_TEMP/inc already exists (hence we don't need to extract the zip), cf. #11
  • bump minimum perl version to 5.8.9 everywhere

Mo CSS utilities.

Changes for 0.05 - 2024-03-04T11:08:23+01:00

  • Fix variable names and test messages in check_css_class() tests.
  • Fix variable names and test messages in check_css_unit() tests.

S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption

Changes for 0.29 - 2024-03-04T18:10:38Z

Subroutine attribute for compile-time method lookups on its typed lexicals.

Subroutine attribute for compile-time method lookups on its typed lexicals.

base for blockchain subscription clients.

Changes for 0.004 - 2024-03-04T04:49:32+00:00

  • RPC call "getbalance" added as get_balance for Bitcoin

Perl API client for the Intellexer, a webservice that, "enables developers to embed Intellexer semantics products using XML or JSON."

Changes for 0.9 - 2024-02-28T11:05:09Z

  • adding dist.ini
  • created ./lib, ./t
  • stubbed out initial test, t/01-basic.t

Classes and app to compute satellite visibility

Changes for 0.130_02 - 2024-03-03

  • Cemtralize POSIX::strftime calls to ::Utils::my_strftime
  • Refurbish some of the eg/* scripts which have not kept track with API changes of various sorts.
  • Correct bug in ::TLE->__make_tle_epoch(). The fractional part was wrong for negative epochs.