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Perl interface to the GMP integer functions

Changes for 0.59

  • Skip Math::MPFR checks in t.overload_cross_class.t and t/overload_op_eq.t if $Math::MPFR::VERSION < 4.19.
  • Implement Rmpz_prevprime (new in gmp-6.3.0).

convert between Perl data structures, YAML and JSON with unicode support (I believe ...)

Changes for 0.21 - 2023-10-03T14:45:00Z

  • Fixed bug in script/ to print the data structure.

Greple module for text search and substitution

Changes for 2.3301 - 2023-10-03T11:26:21Z

  • require App::Greple::update@1.01

convert between Perl data structures, YAML and JSON with unicode support (I believe ...)

Changes for 0.20 - 2023-10-03T14:00:00Z

  • YAML::Load complains for strings like 'abc\"xyz', so I have decided to remove all such strings from the randomly created data structures of test file '12-from-file.t'.

Greple module to update file content

Changes for 1.01 - 2023-10-03T09:28:41Z

  • introduce --update::discard, --discard option

Greple module for text search and substitution

Changes for 2.33 - 2023-10-03T07:34:11Z

  • require App::Greple::update@1.00

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989048 - 2023-10-03

  • Internal Changes
  • Incompatible Changes
  • New Feature

Greple module to update file content

Changes for 1.00 - 2023-10-03T02:48:13Z

  • use --no-new-line option to dump file content

system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys (Unix, Win32)

Changes for 20231003.0

  • Windows now matches other platforms in that a child calling exit(N) causes result() to return N and full_result() to return N << 8. On Windows, before this change, result() was returning N >> 8, and full_result() was returning N. Programs having workarounds for this may need to condition those workarounds on $IPC::Run::VERSION.
  • #157 - On Windows, avoid hang under IPCRUNDEBUG.
  • Refresh "cpanfile" from Makefile.PL, to allow use on Windows.
  • #163 - Normalize shebangs to /usr/bin/perl
  • Fix or skip all tests recently seen to fail on Windows.
  • Include t/result.t in releases.
  • #168 - Make full_result() and result() Windows behavior match non-Windows.
#163 #168 #157

A Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library

Changes for 0.11

  • Significant updates since 0.10
  • Detailed Change Log

A logger role for Object:😛ad based classes based on Log::Log4perl

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-10-03T00:41:35Z

  • Bump requirement to Object:😛ad 0.66 (RT#149940)

Rename files using Perl code

Changes for 0.608 - 2023-07-15

  • Add option: -N (--no-dry-run).

convert between Perl data structures, YAML and JSON with unicode support (I believe ...)

Changes for 0.19 - 2023-10-03T01:00:00Z

  • added printing the yaml structure in test file '12-from-file.t' if it fails to ease debugging.

Locate, Download, or Build and Install xmake

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-10-02T22:07:51Z

  • It exists.

interactive terminal-based viewer for App::sdview

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-10-02


contributing to TAP::Harness

Changes for 3.48 - 2023-10-02

  • Accept TAP version 14

string buffers with value tags on extents

Changes for 0.22 - 2023-10-02


A tool for manipulating typemaps

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-10-02T19:39:59+02:00

  • Initial release to an unsuspecting world

Changes for 1.07

  • 1. default Timeout for accept() is set to 4 seconds 2. return non-error when prefork child accept() fails

Access data from Garmin Connect

Changes for 1.1.0 - 2023-10-02

A new and improved test harness with better Test2 integration.

Changes for 1.000154 - 2023-10-02T08:40:50-07:00

  • Make it possible to disable shared slots on specific hosts

Catalyst plugin for scrubbing/sanitizing incoming parameters

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-10-02

  • Support exempting from scrubbing based on URL path

Cryptographic toolkit

Changes for 0.079_004 - 2023-02-10

  • fix #95 AES-NI troubles on MS Windows (gcc compiler)
  • Enable AES-NI on gcc/clang/llvm
  • update Math::BigInt::LTM test suite to be compatible with Math::BigInt 1.999842+

Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses

Changes for 4.59 - 2023-10-02

  • FIX

Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses

Changes for 4.58 - 2023-10-02

  • FIX

System Calls for File IO, User, Process, Signal, Socket

Changes for 0.493 - 2023-10-02

  • Requirement Changes
  • Internal Changes
  • Exception Message Changes
  • Document Changes
  • New Features
  • Incompatible Changes
  • Bug Fix

BSD utilities written in pure Perl

Changes for 1.040 - 2023-10-02T04:42:58Z

  • All of these improvements are from Michael Mikonos
  • cal
  • chgrp
  • dc
  • env
  • look
  • pr
  • strings
  • sum
  • tac
  • wc
  • which
  • xargs


Changes for 0.061001 - 2023-10-02

  • Requirement Changes
  • Exception Message Changes
  • Internal Changes
  • Document Changes

Base64 Encoding/Decoding

Changes for 1.001003 - 2023-10-02

  • Exception Message Changes
  • Document Changes


Changes for 1.001003 - 2023-10-02

  • Requirement Changes
  • Exception Message Changes
  • Document Changes
  • Incompatible Changes

Color themes

Changes for 2.1.4 - 2023-07-14

  • No spec changes.
  • [doc] Mention somewhat related specification: BorderStyle.

Cryptographic toolkit

Changes for 0.079_002 - 2023-01-10

  • Enable AES-NI on gcc/clang/llvm

Cryptographic toolkit

Changes for 0.079 - 2023-01-10

  • fix #92 update libtomcrypt
  • bundled libtomcrypt update branch:develop (commit:1e629e6f 2023-06-22)

Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code

Changes for 1.42 - 2023-09-30

  • Restore detection for Perl version 5.008, which means that 5.006 is now the minimum required version that will be reported.
  • Recognize the minimum required Perl versions for:

Error Numbers

Changes for 0.090003 - 2023-10-01

  • Exception Message Changes
  • Document Changes