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Sort lines of text using Sort::Sub routine

Changes for 0.048 - 2023-08-06

  • No functional changes.
  • [doc] Add tips section.

Asynchronous HTTP Request and Promise

Changes for v0.3.3 - 2023-10-10T08:15:14Z

  • Corrected malformed signature for distribution release

Versa Director REST API client library

Changes for 0.001000 - 2023-10-09T17:08:19+02:00

  • initial release

Lightweight yet powerful web application framework

Changes for 1.0.0 - 2023-10-09T10:10:10-04:00

  • MISC

Monitor a directory structure for changes

Changes for 0.22 - 2023-10-09T22:48:07Z

  • Fix memory leak in "watch" method (#4)
#4 #5

A validator for the structure of IBANs.

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-04-12T17:48:19+02:00

  • (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:48:19 +0200) Autocommit for distribution Business::IBAN::Validator 0.07 (minor)
  • (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 9 Oct 2023 13:54:31 +0200) Update for revision 95 (April 2023)
  • (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 9 Oct 2023 14:00:53 +0200) Add missing information to the debian/copyright file.
  • (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 9 Oct 2023 14:20:30 +0200) Update t::Test::abeltje to 1.09
  • (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 9 Oct 2023 14:21:33 +0200) Regenerate the example tests from v95

A Data:😛rinter theme based on vims Zellner colors.

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-10-09T13:06:59+02:00

  • (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 9 Oct 2023 13:06:59 +0200) Autocommit for distribution Data-Printer-Theme-Zellner 0.03 (minor)

an app that serves a river of news as a static page

Changes for 1.07

  • Eliminating more stuff from the feed item extracts.

SQL Simple Operations

Changes for 2023.274.1

  • news: Option 'buffer_hashkey' added; by CCELSO
  • news: Option 'buffer_arrayref' added; by CCELSO
  • news: Function 'PreFetch' added in plugins; by CCELSO
  • news: Function 'setDumper' added in module; by CCELSO
  • fix: select fields with aliases not in sql command; by CCELSO
  • fix: message code 039 is missing; by CCELSO
  • change: drive_id environment deprecared; by CCELSO
  • change: SQL_SIMPLE_DB_[PG|MARIADB|SQLLITE3] constant value deprecated; by CCELSO
  • change: standard drive initialization enviroments moved to plugins; by CCELSO
  • change: new section in the pod to explain the supported format of arguments; by CCELSO

A base for grep-like CLI utilities

Changes for 0.011 - 2023-07-22

  • [bugfix] [dist] Forgot to add $VERSION to AppBase::Grep::File.

perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop

Changes for 4.34

  • the EV::stat->path method errornously freed the result, causing corruption (testcase by Carsten Witt).
  • new functino EV::Child::reinit.

framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks

Changes for 1.2

  • fixed some problems in, removed no warnings 'redundant' in DateUtil (causes problems with perl<5.20 tests), remove @previousline and @previoustempline in EAI::File as previous lines can anyway accessed using $data, fixed evalCustomCode in both EAI::File and EAI::Wrap and added some testcases.

A Simple Framebuffer Graphics Library

Changes for 6.56

  • Loading very small videos is supported, IF ffmpeg is installed. The voodoo is to convert to an animated GIF file via ffmpeg, then load that file, and then show it. Yes, there is a time penalty, but it does work. There is NO SOUND, but you see the video. FPS is hard set to 15 FPS.
  • When viewing a video, it creates the file "/tmp/output.gif", loads that file, then deletes that file once loaded.
  • It loads the video in its entirety, as an animated GIF. Therefore, load only small videos.
  • Example scripts full-screen logic has been reversed. Full screen is now the default.
  • Splash screen is off by default on the example scripts. You still need to set "SPLASH" to zero for disabling it in your code.
  • Included animated GIF example changed to a much smaller one.
  • "" improved to be even more helpful for diagnostics.
  • Versioning added to the example scripts.
  • "" and "" added the option "--small" to make it easy to diagnose bus errors. It sets an artificial 320x200 screen. It's a shortcut for "--x=320 --y=200".

Expansion of test functionalities that appear to be frequently used while testing.

Changes for 2.2.0 - 2023-10-08

  • Stringify directory containing test file before replacement of slash with double colon avoiding blessed value in $CLASS in case there is no one double colon.
  • Implement support of subtest selection.

A Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library

Changes for 0.15

  • Significant updates since 0.13
  • Detailed Change Log

Communicating sequential processes threading for Perl

Changes for 0.011 - 2023-10-08T14:38:14+02:00

  • Add fallback refcount implementations
  • Use Magic typemap
  • Destroy arguments promise after use

Fast thread queues with go-like semantics

Changes for 0.004 - 2023-10-08T14:37:12+02:00

  • Use +Magic typemap

Manipulate the typemap file for XS distributions using dzil

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-10-08T13:59:04+02:00

  • Allow a + prefex in module names

Interact with CLI of Extreme Networking products over any of Telnet, SSH or Serial port

Changes for 1.10 - 2023-10-08

  • Improvements to Ipanema family type prompt regex pattern
  • Update to default Y/N Confirmation propmt regex

data pack for Business::ISBN

Changes for 20231006.001 - 2023-10-08T02:04:15Z

  • data update for 2023-10-06

Greple frame output module

Changes for 1.00 - 2023-10-08T01:44:27Z

  • document --frame-pages option

sculpting beautiful circular drawings

Changes for 0.66 - 2023-10-08

  • = mid feature release
  • configurable R pendulum rotation matrix
  • configurable computation variables for all major ops in mod matrix
  • introdus radius damping for pendulum R

sculpting beautiful circular drawings

Changes for 0.65 - 2023-10-30

  • = mid feature release
  • configurable R pendulum rotation matrix
  • configurable computation variables for all major ops in mod matrix
  • introdus radius damping for pendulum R

Command-line utilities related to ebooks

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-02-10

  • First release, currently empty and contains a mention to App:😛DFUtils' epub2pdf.

Predict satellite visibility using Astro::Coord::ECI

Changes for 0.051_01 - 2023-10-07

  • Fix pass() --almanac for evening passes.

Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol

Changes for 1.45

  • Adding WebAuthn methods Documentation and test suite fixes

Perl extension to OpenSSL's PKCS10 API.

Changes for 0.24

  • Significant updates since 0.23
  • Change Log

Classes and app to compute satellite visibility

Changes for 0.130 - 2023-10-07

  • Update magnitude table to track Kelso visual.txt.
  • Track Mike McCants' web site move.

Call many Geo-Coders

Changes for 0.32

  • Set "geocoder" to "cached" when the values have been retrieved from the L2 cache

A Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library

Changes for 0.14

  • Significant updates since 0.13
  • Detailed Change Log

CPAN module authoring tool

Changes for v3.1.23 - 2023-10-07T10:26:39Z

  • Add documentation for module_maker option (giftnuss #330)

Asynchronous HTTP Request and Promise

Changes for v0.3.2 - 2023-10-07T12:04:00Z

  • Corrected malformed signature for distribution release

utilities for filesystem: read, write, find, replace files, etc

Changes for 0.0.1 - 2023-10-07T00:33:36Z

  • coverage 100%

List of modules/tools to crypt/hash a password

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-07-21

  • Add/tweak descriptions.
  • Add alias module: Acme::CPANModules::HashingPassword.

A Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library

Changes for 0.13

  • Significant updates since 0.10
  • Detailed Change Log

Quickly create tickets in specific queues with default values

Changes for 1.04 - 2023-10-06

  • Support QuickCalls to be added to User Summary page
  • Support QuickCalls to render different options for each dashboard
  • Add QuickCreate option

Information about the CGI environment

Changes for 0.78

  • Set HTTP status to 403 on HTTP_USER_AGENT SQL injection attack Test::Exception hasn't been used for sometime, so removed dependancy

JSON-based config with C/Shell-style comments, verbatim sections and variable substitutions

Changes for 0.09

  • Added one more test (t/300-tags-clashing.t) for testing if comment tags are the same as the other tags.