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A standalone authoring tool for Module::Build::Tiny

Changes for 0.041 - 2023-04-29T16:31:04Z
  • Depend on new ExtUtils::Manifest #include behavior
  • Add help subcommand


PDL bindings for OpenCV $descrip_label \n=head1 SYNOPSIS \n use PDL:😮penCV$last; \n=cut \nuse strict; use warnings; use PDL:😮penCV; # get constants EOPM pp_addhdr(qq{#include "opencv_wrapper.h"\n#include "wraplocal.h"\n}); my @flist = genpp_readfile(''); my @topfuncs = grep $_->[0] eq '', @flist; my %class2func2suffix; if (@topfuncs) { pp_bless("PDL:😮penCV$last"); pp_addxs(<<EOF); # work around PP bug MODULE = ${main:😛DLMOD} PACKAGE = ${main:😛DLOBJ} EOF genpp(maybe_suffix \%class2func2suffix, @$_) for @topfuncs; } else { pp_addpm("=pod\n\nNone.\n\n=cut\n\n"); } for my $c (@classes) { pp_bless(my $fullclass = "PDL:😮penCV::$c"); pp_addxs(<<EOF); # work around PP bug MODULE = ${main:😛DLMOD} PACKAGE = ${main:😛DLOBJ} EOF my $doc = $class2doc{$c} // ''; $doc = text_trim doxy2pdlpod(doxyparse($doc)) if $doc; pp_addpm(<<EOD);

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-03-26
  • binding of OpenCV modules highgui, img{codecs,proc}, objdetect, tracking