Test current release against CVE's
Changes for 0.04 - 2024-01-20
- Strip WARNING if it prefixes the JSON data
- Opt to install cpan-cve.pl (issue #1)
- Pass verbosity from script to parser
- Fix version chain compare with multiple versions
- Suppress perl-core CVE's by default in cpan-cve.pl
- Cowardly give up if no NAME or DISTNAME found
- Allow multiple folders collected in JSON output
- It is 2024
- Update dependencies
Make new tickets from correspondence
Changes for 0.04
Make new tickets from correspondence
Changes for 0.03
A SQL Database object abstraction class
Changes for v1.1.1 - 2024-01-05T10:36:08Z
parse XLSX files
Changes for 0.29 - 2024-01-02
- Merge pull request #1 from theevilapplepie/master: Fix for 'Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/local/shar…
- Merge pull request #2 from oharakouhei/master Incorrect cell values due to phonetic data doy#72
- Merge pull request #3 from nickzoic/master: Fix die message in parse()
- Merge pull request #4 from mazurin/master: Cannot open password protected SHA1 encrypted files. doy#68
- Merge pull request #5 from danderman/master: use date format detection based on Spreadsheet:🤐LSX
- Merge pull request #6 from gquipster/master: Add rudimentary support for hyperlinks in cells
Verify SSH connectivity to specified host.
Changes for v0.1.0 - 2023-12-14T18:21:01Z
- Document some internals (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Update distribution files (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Pull request #1: SM-1345 (Sam Kim)
- Remove the anonymous sub-routine (Brandon Messineo)
- Re-structure the run_command method (Brandon Messineo)
- Only define used variables (Brandon Messineo)
- Do not use the helper for the base cases (Brandon Messineo)
- Change `display` to `return_output` (Brandon Messineo)
- Make ssh_connect take a hash instead of a hashref (Brandon Messineo)
- Replaced back to Test2::V0 (Sam Kim)
- Updated anonymous hash function to make it more readable (Sam Kim)
- Re-structure code (Brandon Messineo)
- Do not use camel-casing for perl variables (Brandon Messineo)
- Remove unused module from cpanfile (Brandon Messineo)
- Updated Pod to clarify and to include display tag (Sam Kim)
- Mock the entire SSH process and update tests accordingly (Sam Kim)
- Refactored to clearly show the process and to reflect the new update (Sam Kim)
- Allow for optional display of output when $command is specified (Sam Kim)
- Updated pod (Sam Kim)
- Add tests to check commands are run properly through the new features (Sam Kim)
- Add features to run commands through the healthcheck (Sam Kim)
- Healthcheck:😁iagnostic::SSH implemented (Sam Kim)
- Added tests for healthcheck (Sam Kim)
- Create distribution files (Sam Kim)
- Initial Commit (Sam Kim)
Converts any complicated conditional dispatch situation into familiar static hash-key based dispatch
Changes for 1.00
- fixed a bug revealed when running C<dispatch> in a loop on 5.36.0 ( 4.19.0-25-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.289-1 (2023-07-24)) during testing of code presented in a Perl Advent article; thanks Olaf!
Common Neo4j type system
Changes for 2.00 - 2023-11-21
- Add ByteArray, DateTime, and Duration types. (GH #15, #17)
- Define methods and behaviour for the Neo4j 5 element ID. (GH #13)
- Specify previously undefined behaviour. (GH #1, #11, #14)
- Expand the implementor guidance for driver authors and separate it from the type definitions aimed at users.
- Separate generic type implementations from the type definitions.
- Offer test tools to help driver authors with conforming to these types.
- Raise minimum required version of Perl to v5.10.1.
Parse plain English date/time range strings
Changes for v1.0.0 - 2023-10-20T19:23:20Z
- Update README with v1.0.0 (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Pull request #1: Updates for 0.9 (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Attribute MAq as an author (Mark Flickinger)
- Switch to Dist::Zilla:😛luginBundle::Author::GSG (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Remove .perl-version (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Tidy up cpanfile (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Update META yml with version and author (James Hammer)
- Add Verion and Authority to main file (James Hammer)
- Fix business day logic beginning date bugs (James Hammer)
- Change maintained by line (James Hammer)
- Update POD (James Hammer)
- Rearrange elsif portions (James Hammer)
- Condense conditional statements (James Hammer)
- Fix spacing issues (James Hammer)
- Regroup last|past together (James Hammer)
- Improve Dashed Date regex (James Hammer)
- Add todo for all zeros case (James Hammer)
- last and past mintues and hours start and end at BOD, EOD (James Hammer)
- Condense next hours minute seconds logic (James Hammer)
- Make wider use of EOD instead of adding one day and subtracting a second (James Hammer)
- Business day logic autocompletes with incomplete array (James Hammer)
- Condense past hours minutes and seconds to one subroutine (James Hammer)
- Only rely on Date::Manip for business days logic (James Hammer)
- Clarify the ambiguous variable in converting US dashed dates (James Hammer)
- Remove unecessary Regex (James Hammer)
- Add distzilla dependencies (James Hammer)
- Support US style dates with dashes (James Hammer)
- Support mm-dd-yyyy (James Hammer)
- Fix ago and from now to act like previous (James Hammer)
- Capitalize global variables (James Hammer)
- Fix last and past weekday calculation (James Hammer)
- Support last and past times (James Hammer)
- Reorder dates that have been reported backwards (James Hammer)
- Support Time from now without the regex switch (James Hammer)
- Support N intervals ago without the regex alteration to past n intervals (James Hammer)
- Support this, next, last, past minute, second, hour (James Hammer)
- Deal with second vs 2nd at the end of a phrase (James Hammer)
- Honor times in the input string (James Hammer)
- Support english ordinal numbering up to 31 (James Hammer)
- Fully utilize beginning and end of day and year hashes (James Hammer)
Alias for __PACKAGE__
Changes for v1.1.8 - 2023-09-23T19:16:58Z
- Correcting an issue with the signature file of this release. Bug #1
Mojolicious Plugin for htmx
Changes for 1.01 - 2023-09-17
- Added support for HX-Reselect header (htmx 1.9.3) (#1 PR)
Perl implementation of HOTP / TOTP algorithms
Changes for 1.6 - 2023-09-13
- fix SHA384 and SHA512 blocksize (#1)
type constraints for single value equality
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-08-14T03:27:51Z
- add type constraints NumEq and NumEqu #1
Concise, expressive creation of Class::Meta classes
Changes for 0.14 - 2023-08-02T01:28:30Z
- Better fix for failing tests on Windows, suggested by Eric Brine.
- Fixed broken rt.cpan.org email address.
- Fixed a couple of typos in the Pod. Thanks to Grzegorz Rożniecki for the pull request (#1).
- Fixed no-op version requirement for Class::Meta thanks to Graham Knop (#2).
- Removed the pod tests from the distribution.
Monitor a directory structure for changes
Changes for 0.20 - 2023-07-13T03:28:32Z
- Support recent macOS (#1)
- Support M1/M2 chip (#1)
- Now Mac-FSEvents is maintained at https://github.com/skaji/Mac-FSEvents
what modules shipped with versions of Znuny (>= 6.0.30)
Changes for 1.03 - 2023-06-02T07:35:00Z
- fix minor issue: return from shipped() when no module is given
- improve tests
- fix #1: fix repository_type to add repository information to META files
a Z80 assembler
Changes for 2.20 - 2023-05-23
- Bug Fixes
- #1 Label addresses are incorrect after a second ORG
Changes for 0.32 - 2023-04-29T10:07:45Z
- removed an unnecessary use of Sub::Name (haarg, PR #1)
Changes for 0.03 - 2023-03-27
- Updated package to hide package Net::MQTT::Simple from CPAN indexer
- Updated tests to pass when IO::Socket::SSL is unavailable - Fixed #1 GitHub
- Updated tests to added method can tests for response object
Changes for v0.0.4 - 2023-02-20T01:33:13Z
- Support flags (#1)
Changes for v0.1.2
- update README
- give more meaningfull message when JSON RPC client fails
- fix GitHub issue #1
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-01-23T11:05:25Z