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Tied objects

Changes for 0.15 - 2024-03-29

  • Adds get_initialised function which can be called on Rope to retrieve an already initialised object by index.
  • Adds before, around and after keywords which can be chained and work for all properties/functions, not traditional subs currently because they are effectively 'hidden' to Rope.

Read environment variables from .env file

Changes for 0.012 - 2024-03-29T18:05:10+02:00

  • Fix lib and test code to use Cwd::abs_path with File::Spec->catdir|catfile.

Class for conversion between percent number to star visualization

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-29T16:01:21+01:00

  • Add missing dot in doc.
  • Improve doc for constructor.
  • Move bugtracker to Github.
  • Move valid tests to top.
  • Rewrite check of error to Mo::utils.

Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities

Changes for 20240329.002 - 2024-03-29T12:08:01Z

  • Data update for 2024-03-29

create diffs between HTTP requests

Changes for 0.06 - 2024-03-29

  • Use "stable" instead of "experimental"

Tied objects

Changes for 0.14 - 2024-03-29

  • Adds delete_trigger which allows you to explicitly set a trigger just when deleting, this removes the need for conditional code (is it a set or delete) when using triggers.

Tied objects

Changes for 0.13 - 2024-03-29

  • Fix scoping to achieve this you now have to explicity call ->destroy, especially under a long running process like a daemon or web service
  • Add triggers that are called on setting and deletiong of a value

Tied objects

Changes for 0.12 - 2024-03-29

  • Expose the locking functonality via the locked keyword.

Libdeflate compression library

Changes for 0.07_02 - 2024-03-29

  • Check compiler when installing and exit if version is too low

Sah schemas related to array type

Changes for 0.004 - 2024-02-13

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-Array following rename of Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} (for visual clarity and consistency with naming of other bundles).

Class library for rapid development

Changes for 1.215 - 2024-03-28

  • Quiq::Confluence::Client
  • Quiq::Database::Connection
  • Quiq::Hash
  • Quiq::Path
  • Quiq::PhotoStorage
  • Quiq::Url

Raspberry Pi GPIO Perl Modules

Changes for 0.92

  • Build failures in 0.91 distribution

Simplified abstracted chained DBI subclass

Changes for 1.15 - 2024-03-28T12:26:27-07:00

  • Carp SQL parsing errors
  • Ignore reserved words SQL parse errors when not specifying an explicit dialect
  • Add abstract() method
  • Move parsed query cache to the connection object (instead of global)

Generate complete SQL from Perl data structures

Changes for 1.09 - 2024-03-28T12:22:27-07:00

  • Slightly better handling of columns in get()

Tied objects

Changes for 0.11 - 2024-03-28

  • Ensure any passed index takes precedents over the auto generated index

create diffs between HTTP requests

Changes for 0.05 - 2024-03-28

  • We use the postderef feature also in tests
  • Use features of URI in a backwards compatible way

Easy to use REPL with existing lexical support and DWIM tab completion.

Changes for 0.16

  • 2024-03-28
  • No longer expanding escaped variable in quotes.

A system for running Zonemaster tests asynchronously through an RPC-API

Changes for v11.1.1 - 2024-03-28

  • Fixes

simple OBS API calls

Changes for 0.1.2 - 2024-03-27

  • added Net::OBS::LWP::UserAgent with 'mirror' method
  • multiple configuration parameters for Net::OBS::SigAuth

Colored echo command using ANSI terminal sequence

Changes for 1.08 - 2024-03-28T09:56:23Z

  • use charnames ':loose', which requires perl 5.16

Class for communication with backend by sending messaging through redis streams.

Changes for 0.06 - 2024-03-28T06:16:44+00:00

  • Allow timeout to be extended vs published deadline

Libdeflate compression library

Changes for 0.07_01 - 2024-03-28

  • Update libdeflate to 1.20

Convention for Sah-SchemaBundle-* distribution

Changes for 0.1.1 - 2024-02-13

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} for visual clarity and consistency with the naming of other bundles.

Easy to use REPL with existing lexical support and DWIM tab completion.

Changes for 0.15

  • 2024-03-28
  • Created new function to avoid lossy vars: repl. Cleaned up README/pod.

Tags helper abstract class.

Changes for 0.09 - 2024-03-27T23:01:46+01:00

  • Add test for prepare().
  • Add test for process().
  • Sort methods in SYNOPSIS section in doc.
  • Update copyright years.

Read environment variables from .env file

Changes for 0.011 - 2024-03-27T22:13:20+02:00

  • Allow reading files recursively.

create diffs between HTTP requests

Changes for 0.04 - 2024-03-27

  • We use the postderef feature

create OpenAPI documentation of your application

Changes for 1.0.2 - 2024-03-27


Tags helper for gradient evaluation.

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-27T17:18:08+01:00

  • API Change: Change 'height' and 'width' parameters to CSS unit.
  • Remove obsolete module use in test.
  • Remove usage of Tags::Output::Raw.
  • Rename example files to better names.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update copyright years.

Multidimensional binning & histogramming

Changes for 0.028 - 2024-03-27T15:55:32+00:00

  • update requirement to Test::PDL 0.20 which handles badvals correctly

Tags helper for CPAN::Changes object.

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-27T16:29:45+01:00

  • Add test of constructor.
  • Fix minimal dependency to Tags::HTML.

Easily format content into PDF/PS/DVI with LaTeX templates.

Changes for 0.04 - 2024-03-27

  • Moved test file "t/400-format.t" into xt/ to be run only by 'author tests' because it was failing in many tester machines which lack LaTeX font and style files. In order for this test to succeed, all these missing LaTeX fonts and style files must be installed and that's not an option. Author tests can be run with "make authortest". Added two more unit tests "t/350-inmemory-template-usage-calling-other-templates.t" and "t/360-ondisk-template-usage-calling-other-templates.t". Enhanced documentation.

sdif and family tools, cdif and watchdiff

Changes for 4.3301 - 2024-03-27T06:50:25Z

  • fix bug of cdif producing extra empty lines

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989096 - 2023-03-27

  • Incompatible Changes
  • New Features
  • Internal Changes
  • Breaking Binary Compatibility

System Calls for File IO, Sockets, Time, Process, Signals, Users

Changes for 0.514001 - 2024-03-27

  • Bug Fix