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Damian Conway's keynote at #tprc2024 was very much up to his usual high standard:

I don't want to give too much away for those who haven't seen it (stop reading here if you like to go in *fresh*), but I already miss smartmatch and I never even really used it... #perl

Yozen Hernandez reshared this.

in reply to fuzzix

I think Multi::Dispatch (or Switch::Right) might become my favourite perl module.😍

That's why I love e.g. #erlang and #raku, for example, and I've always wanted something like that for perl. I hope it becomes a permanent part of #perl language at some point.

Although I also find the AI part of the presentation interesting. It plays with the possibilities of how AI might change programming in the future. I've often thought about this myself often.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)