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Wow. Despite the received wisdom that "Perl is dying", going by the package release frequency it seems to have peaked more than a decade later than I'd have expected. (Also: not dead yet.)

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in reply to Charlie Stross

The world is full of languages "like perl, only better" or "successor to perl" (this includes perl 6). None of these can actually do the same job though.
in reply to Uilebheist

@Uilebheist this is exactly the issue. I was on the team maintaining the "legacy" perl web renderer at Amazon and the lack of migration was entirely due to "the alternatives don't actually do what we need".
in reply to Kevin Granade

@kevingranade @Uilebheist At some point, a penny drops.

"Oh! Why not just go all in with #perl? It is – after all – Open Source."
